Chapter Twenty

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Tony's POV

A few months past, and I was on my third trimester. Steve was starting to get tired of me wearing a shirt half on or stretching it out because it wouldn’t fit over my belly. Or just using one of his.

“Your mama is insane. He refuses to go to the store to buy maternity clothes because it’s, quote, ‘too weird’, unquote. So, he walks around the world wearing a shirt that doesn’t fit him, and pretends that it’s the most normal thing in the world. He’s crazy!” Steve complained to my belly as he drew a small circle around my belly button.

“I’m fine Steve.” I said behind my book on Pregnancy that he had forced me to read. Steve then rolled over onto his back and let out a big sigh.

“Come on Darling! We need to get you some clothes because when you get back to your regular abs all your shirts are going to be stretched out!” He said and sat up letting his head fall to one side.

“Please Baby. The kids and I will go with you, and you already are different enough with the giant baby bump.” Steve reminded and I looked down at my belly. I rubbed my hand over it and Steve kissed my hand before the bump.

“I’ll be there to protect you. Big Captain America.” Steve purred resting his chin on my stomach.

“Steve honey that hurts.” I complained and Steve quickly sat up whispering an apology. He then looked back at me with his big puppy eyes and mouthed, “Please.” I sighed looking out the big window and then back at the Captain.

“Fine you win this time giant blue eyed Captain.” I hissed and Steve laughed.

“I’ll get the kids.” Steve whispered, grabbing my face and kissing my temple. I nodded, letting him leave the room, before I stood up for the first time that day. Steve and I had been in our room reading on pregnancy, cuddling, kissing, and arguing over names.

I walked over to our closet and opened the door, with a grunt. I stared at all the clothes that didn’t fit me and back down at my bare stomach. I grabbed one of Steve’s hoodies and pulled it over my head, it barely making it over my bump. I smoothed it out right as Steve walked in yelling at Kelsey.

“Don’t you dare use that tone with me!.... I am your father!...Young lady, back in my day if we used that tone with our parents we would get smacked with a belt!....No, well maybe it would kill me, but that doesn’t matter!...Kelsey do not use that language!” There was then a slamming of the door and Steve gasped.

“We are not done with this conversation!” He yelled and I raised an eyebrow.

“What was that?” I asked. Steve shook his head and sighed shutting the door.

“Your daughter is moody for a little fourth grader.” Steve grumbled and I laughed.

“Takes after me.” I smirked and Steve rolled his eyes. “Stevie this fits me! We don’t need to go shopping!” I said and Steve looked over at me in his hoodie.

“No.” He then pulled on a blue under armour shirt and black jeans. He put on some sneakers and I hopped on the bed waiting for him to help me. He smiled walking over and put on my black high tops.

“Just wait until it gets bigger Captain.” I said and Steve lifted my shirt so he could kiss my bump.

“Can’t wait.” He whispered and then kissed me. He helped me up grabbing our hats and glasses. He handed me my red tinted glasses and put on my baseball cap. I pulled my hood over the hat as Steve put on his glasses and hat. We then walked outside to see Kelsey arms crossed in a red and yellow striped skirt and a white shirt that was tucked in that had my Iron Man helmet.

“Want me to do your hair Cookie?” Steve asked and Kelsey looked down.

“Yeah, imma sorry for yelling.” She whispered and Steve smiled as she handed him a hair tie. Peter walked out of his room in a red sweater that had a blue and white plaid shirt underneath.

“Are we ready?” he asked and I nodded as Steve putting Kelsey’s brown hair into pigtails.

“Let’s go.” Steve smiled and kissed our daughter. We then walked down stairs and drove to the closest Target.

“Okay. Peter put on your hood and Kelsey here are some sunglasses.” I said handing our kids mediocre disguises. They followed my instructions and Steve helped me out of the car.

“I don’t wanna go in!” I complained as Steve grabbed the kids hands.

“I don’t care.” Steve smiled and Kelsey held onto my hand. I grunted as we walked in to the store and Steve lead us over to the maternity section.

“Okay, Tones, I’ll help you.” Steve whispered after telling the kids to stay where they were.

“Ugh! These are all girl clothes.” I complained and a woman looked over at me confused.

“Yeah Baby, of course they are.” Steve whispered wrapping his arms around me covering any male features and smiling at the woman. She smiled back, and continued to looked through the clothes.

    “Here are some jeans.” Steve pointed out and I nodded.

    “Okay.” I said annoyed and Steve kissed my cheek.

    “C’mon Darling, it’s not that bad. Also, I’m right here.” He whispered and I sighed.

    “God I hate that I love you.” I mumbled and Steve smiled. He then got four pairs of jeans that looked unisex and I walked around looking for some shirts.

    “Can’t we just find really big guy shirts?” I asked and Steve sighed.

    “No Love, you are wearing one of my shirts and it barely fits.” He then held up a blue button up and asked, “How bout this?” I looked at it and shrugged.

    “Don’t have a choice.” Steve sighed and put it in the kart. I found a black sweatshirt and a gray one and put it in the kart.

    “What bout this, Tones.” Steve asked and I turned around seeing he was holding up a big white sweater. I nodded and he put it in the kart. I saw a red shirt that had four buttons on top and I threw it in the kart.

    “Okay I got five shirts, can we go now?” I begged and Steve shook his head.

    “At least one more.” I groaned and turned around.

    “Aww is that your wife?” I heard someone ask Steve. I glanced behind me pretending to be interested in a bunch of shirts that said stupid things like, “Baby on board.”

    “Yeah, I love her but she gets awful moody.” Steve said loving calling me his wife.

    “If I’m allowed, I would say that the dresses are the most comfortable to wear. Do you think she’ll like those?” She asked and I grabbed onto one of the shirts.

    “She’ll love it.” Steve barley said without laughing. “Thank you.” He said and the woman nodded as I turned around.

    “What the hell?” I asked crossing my arms and Steve bursted out laughing.

    “C’mon wifey let’s get you one more shirt.” Steve teased and I grunted.

    “Fuck you Rogers.” I hissed and Steve laughed.

    “Language.” He whispered coming up behind me and wrapping his large arms around me.

    “Go away.” I hissed, and Steve kissed my ear.

    “Imma sorry.” He purred and he put his hands on top of my baby bump where my hands were.

    “It’s okay.” I muttered after a while and turned my head so I could kiss him.

    “Here.” Steve whispered handing me a black tank top.

    “What about this?” He asked and I nodded putting it in the kart.

    “Let’s go.” He whispered and we walked over to the kids who were running around the kart messing with each other. I smiled and looked down at my bump, hating that I had to wait for the new edition

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