Chapter Twenty-seven

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Peter’s POV

It was one in the morning, Ned had left an hour ago, and Wade had fallen asleep thirty minutes after. I had lost track of time staring at Wade. I had the biggest crush on him, and I loved how he looks so peaceful when he slept. Wade had recently been diagnosed with terminal cancer. It’s not contagious, so after school I would go visit him, and today Dad let me spend the night at the hospital.

I couldn't help the flutter in my chest when Wade would mumble in his sleep, and his chest would rise and fall.  It was so cute how his eyelids would move because he was dreaming. His blonde hair was draped across his eyelids, and I slightly moved it out of his face. Wade’s eyelids then blinked open and guilt washed over me, because I had woken him up.

“Hey, Pete.” He smiled and a cough escaped his lips.

“Hey, weirdo.” I teased.

“Asshole.” Wade teased back, and I smiled.

“How are you doing?” I asked. Wade rolled over so that his whole body was facing me.

“Pretty chill, I mean I’m in the hospital with a most-likely incurable disease. The usual shit.” I rolled my eyes and gently pushed Wade’s arm.

“You sound like my Dad.” I teased, and Wade smirked.

“Finally! Ya’ know it has been a goal of mine to sound like the Billionaire, ex-playboy, genius, gay, philanthropist that is married to the Captain America.” Wade said looking at the ceiling again.

“Hey can you get me some pizza?” Wade asked, and I nodded. I stood up and made my way to the door, but before we could leave Wade cleared his throat.

“Hey, um, Pete? Do you have a crush on me?” Wade asked.

I turned to him, eyes growing wide, and stammered, “W-what?”

“Do you like me, because when I was talking to Devyn she said something like that, and I like got all excited, because I’ve had a crush on you for a while, and ugh now imma rambling.” Wade sighed, and I couldn’t suppress the smile on my face.

“Y-yeah, I’ve liked you for a while Wade.” I whispered, and I heard him gasp.

“You’re not shitting me are you?” Wade asked. He then turned his head and said, “Do you think he is shitting me reader?”

I nodded, still confused on the whole reader thing, and Wade smiled. He looked so perfect, even with all the little tubes and machines sticking out of him, his smile just made him look amazing. I smiled and looked down fidgeting my feet. I then rushed towards Wade and pressed my lips against his. At first he hesitated, and I thought I just made the biggest mistake of my life, but then he wrapped his arms around me and deepened the kiss. When we broke off a large smile came across my face.

“So, what are you?” Wade asked. At first I had no idea what he meant but then I got it.

“Bi, you?” I asked.

“I have no fucking idea, probably Pan.” He said, and I nodded.

“Well, what do we do now?” I asked.

“Go on a date.” Wade smirked.
    “Imma not allowed to date.” I whispered, and Wade looked down.

“They don’t have to know.” Wade whispered. I looked around and sighed.

“You can’t tell anyone.” Wade nodded and smiled.

“Go get me some Pizza.” Wade ordered, and I smiled running out of the room. When I ran back in there was a doctor talking to Wade, and he had a serious look.

“Here is you Pizza.” I said and handed it to Wade. He smiled and turned back to the doctor, serious again.

“Is that okay, Mr. Wilson? I’ve already talked to your parents and they are fine.” The doctor said.

“Yeah, it’s fine.” Wade agreed and the doctor nodded, and exited the room.

“What was that?’ I asked.

“Oh, they have a cure.” Wade said nonchalantly taking a bite of food.

My mouth dropped open, and I repeated, “A cure?”

“Yeah, it’s an experimental experiment that won’t cure me but will make my cells unable to die.” Wade then took another bite.

“So you will be immortal?” I asked.

Wade shrugged and said, “I don’t fucking know.”

I nodded and asked, “Is it safe.” Wade shrugged and then held up his pizza.

“Want some?” I took a bite, and he smiled.

“Imma sharing food with my secret boyfriend.”

I rolled my eyes and reminded, “You shared food with me when I was just your bestfriend.” Wade shrugged, and I leaned down and kissed him.

“I like that.” Wade said sexualy, and I rolled my eyes.

“Weirdo.” I teased, and Wade smiled. Then there was a knocking on the door, and I looked up.

“Come in.” Wade said, and I moved my hand off of his chest. It was Happy, ready to take me home, and I sighed.

“Hello Peter, ready to go?” He asked. I nodded and looked back at Wade.

“Bye asshole.” He whispered, and I laughed.

“Bye weirdo.” I then grabbed my backpack, and Happy brought me to the car.

“Did you have fun?” Happy asked.

I nodded and said, “They might have a cure.”

Happy nodded and said, “That’s great.”

“Yeah.” I whispered unable to control my smile. We drove all the way home in silence besides the constant chimes of Wade texting me. When we got home I saw that Kelsey was just pulling in with Aunt Nat and Aunt Wanda.

“Hey Peter.” Kelsey said waving. I smiled and waved back.

“How’s Wade?” Wanda asked.

“He’s good, gonna get cured soon.” I said, and they gasped.

“Really?” Nat asked.

I nodded, and she asked, “How?”

“A weird experiment, something about cells not dying.” I said, realizing that Wade didn’t tell me a lot. Nat nodded and Wanda hugged me.

“I know how much you like him, I’m glad he is going to be okay.” Aunt Wanda whispered. I nodded with a smile. Aunt Wanda and Uncle Vision had walked in on Devyn and I talking about my crush, and I had decided to tell them.

“Let’s go inside.” Kelsey suggested, and we walked in.

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