Chapter Forty

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Peter's POV

"Okay, don't forget today's assignment! Write a summery about something you see or read on the news!" Mrs.Jameson, my Journalism teacher, yelled over the bell.

I quickly grabbed my binders off my desk, and I closed them before shoving them in my small backpack. I zipped up my bag with a grunt, and I slung the bag over my left shoulder. I smiled over at MJ, and she gave me a small wave before hurring out of the classroom. I then walked over to Mrs.Jameson, and she looked up at me.

"Hello Peter." She smiled.

"Hiya, Mrs.Jameson. I was wondering if Mr.Jameson looked over my intership application yet?" I asked.

"He hasn't gotten to it yet, but I am almost certain that he will say yes." Mrs.Jameson gave me a warm smile, and I nodded feeling my phone vibrate in my back pocket.

"Thank you Mrs.Jameson. See you on wednesday." I smiled, and Mrs.Jameson gave me a wave as I walked out of her class.

I took my phone out from my pocket, and I looked down to see I was getting a call from Kesley. I pressed the answer button, and I pressed my phone to my ear.

"Hey." I answered.

"Hi, Pete. I was wondering if you could tell Dada I won't be home right away. Caymen and I are going to study at his apartment." I heard Kelsey through the reciver.

"Okay, I'll let him know. See ya at home Kels." I smiled, and I waved over at Ned who was standing by his locker.

"Bye, bye Peter. I love you."

"I love you too." I said before hanging up.

I tucked my phone into my back pocket, and I walked over to Ned.

"Hey man." I smiled.

"Peter look at this thing!" Ned exclaimed, pulling out his phone, and he showed me a picture of a lego built Naboo.

"Is that the seven hundred piece Star Wars Naboo Battle?" I gasped, and Ned nodded.

"I get it tomorrow, you should come over." Ned said, and I nodded.

"Of course I will. That's so cool, dude." I gasped, taking the phone from Ned and looking through the finished versions of the lego set.

A text from Ned's mom then flashed across the screen, and I handed the phone to my best friend. He looked down at his screen with a sigh, and he looked back up at me placing his phone in his back pocket.

"I have to go, see you tomorrow morning." Ned smiled, and I waved as he headed down the hallway.

I then took my phone out and inserted my earbuds in the small hole. I pushed the earbuds into my ears after selcting my play list, and "She's Kinda Hot" by Five Seconds of Summer started playing. I placed my phone in my back pocket, and I walked to the south exit of the school. I started walking home, watching the cars rush past me on the street. I looked ahead of me, and I saw the tower. I smiled walking inside, and I flipped the keypad open. I placed my thumb on the scanner.

"Welcome home Mr. and Ms.Rogers." JARVIS greeted.

"Just me, JARVIS. Kelsey's with Caymen." I corrected.

"I shall let Mr.Rogers know." JARVIS annouced, and I nodded my head walking in the living room.

I gasped once I saw Unlce Thor and Uncle Bruce talking to each other. Uncle Bruce ducked his head slightly as Uncle Thor burst into a roar of laughter.

"Uncle Thor!" I excalimed, and he looked away from Uncle Bruce.

"Young Peter!" Thor boomed, and I smiled running over to him.

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