Chapter Eight

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Steve’s POV

    The room was dark, and I looked around trying to find where I was. I closed my eyes to blink, but saw Tony, and my future children covered in their own blood on the ground. I opened my eyes and was back in the dark room. I shook my head and closed my eyes again, just to see the haunting image. My head started to ring and I thrashed my head to get the image out of my head. I forced my eyes open into the dark room but then I saw the image in my head in front of me. I gasped closing my eyes but still saw the picture. I gasped for breath feeling like it was being taken away from me and the room became white. I blinked as the bright light blinded me. I was then back in the plane that started my coma all those years ago. I gasped closing my eyes as I heard the same words Peggy was telling me before I crashed. When I closed my eyes I heard Tony’s voice crying out in pain.

    “T-tony?” I yelled and opened my eyes to see the plane again. I closed my eyes and saw the image of Tony and our future kids dying and heard his voice. I opened my eyes and I was in the plane listening to Peggy crying. I then saw Bucky as the Winter Soldier and he had a gun pointed at Tony's head. I thrashed my head wanting to leave wanting to be home in my bed with my husband. I closed my eyes and saw a bloody Tony, Peter, and Kelsey again and the Winter Soldier with gun. I opened them and was in the plane. I couldn’t escape the endless cycle of nightmares. My head was ringing and I could hear both Peggy and Tony.

“Just be there.” I heard Peggy whimper and then Tony’s agonizing scream filled my head.

“No, no, no!” I hissed as the plane crashed and I heard Tony scream fading.

Then the sound of a gun shot went off followed by, “Who the hell is Bucky?”  I felt my eyes fill up with tears and I closed them to see Tony dead, but I couldn’t open them again.

“No.” I whimpered as I felt the tears run down my cheeks.

“Tony.” I whispered and the tears poured hard as I realized that I couldn’t save him.

“No!” I yelled and sat up in my bed. I took in my surrounding and saw that I was back in my bedroom. I looked around breathing heavily as the tears poured out of my eyes.

“Steve? What's wrong honey?” Tony asked from besides me. I turned to him shaking my head, happy that his death was just a dream. I pulled him into me and cried into his shoulder.

“Oh my god, you died. You were dying I was in the damn plane. Peter and Kelsey were next to you. Peggy was telling me about the dance, as the plane crashed. Blucky was the Winter Soldier. A-and you d-died and I couldn’t save you.” I sobbed.

Tony ran his fingers through my hair and whispered, “It is fine. I am fine, you are fine. Peggy is fine, and I love you.” I nodded my head and lifted it. Tony kissed the tears off of my cheeks and I slowed my tears so I could focused on breathing. Tony kissed my templed pulling my close to him. I put my head on his lap and he moved his fingers through my hair.

“It’s Christmas Stevie.” He whispered and I nodded, tracing shapes on his leg. Tony bent down and kissed my temple.

“It’s okay.” he whispered. I nodded and sat up, pulling him into a short kiss. I then smiled and he did too. Tony jumped out of the bed and pulled me towards the decorated tree in our room. It was dark green covered in blue, red, yellow, and white tinsel. It had several fan made Iron Man and Captain America ornaments, along with little drawings of our “ship” Stony. I messed with my dog tags, a nervous habit I had always had since I woke up, watching the white lights of the tree shin. I then got an idea and pulled the tags off my head, as Tony looked through the presents. I put them over his head and he stood up, all the way, and looked down at them.

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