Chapter Thirty-one

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Natasha's POV
"Shit," Bucky muttered. "we're having a baby."
Everyone around me leaped into action. Kelsey stood up, and Peter looked at his parents waiting instruction. Steve took the diaper bag from Tony and gently rocked Peggy. Tony rushed next to me and took my hands.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
I nodded slowly, and I felt like my stomach dropped to the ground. I groaned, and Tony squeezed my hands.
"Breath." He couched, and I followed his lead as he over exaggerated breathing in and out.
When the contraction ended, Steve told everyone how long it had lasted, looking up from his watch. Bucky then came running back over and told us he had the car ready. He pushed Tony out of the way and took my hands into his. He helped me into the elevator and into one of Tony's many cars. Another contraction hit inside the red Ford, and Tony helped me through it again. We drove all the way to the hospital, and the moment we were inside, Bucky was yelling at people ("My girlfriend's in labour!" "We're having a baby!" "Doctors! We need Doctors!") We met up with our regualr doctor -who's name I couldn't remember and didn't care enough at the moment to remember. He lead the seven of us to a hospital room, and another contraction hit inside the room. Bucky held out his hand for me to squeeze, and I quickly took it. Everything seemed to be going by to fast, and I didn't know anything of what was happening around me. Peter and Kesley were standing in the corner, Peter holding Peggy. Tony was talking to one of the nurses, and I think my midwife. Bucky was hyperventelating while Steve tried to calm him down. I tried asking one of the nurses what was happening while she got me dressed in a hospital gown. She gave me some bullshit answer that went through one ear and out the other. I tried asking a few more people, but no one was listening.
"Everybody shut up!" I yelled, and the room went silent.
"I am having a baby right now, and when I try to ask you people what is happening no one is listening. Now please everyone calm your tits and tell me what I need to do." I ordered, and I looked over at Bucky. "And you! You are not the one giving birth, so stop having a panic attack and help me."
Bucky looked at Steve, and his best friend just shrugged. Bucky then rushed over to me and intertwined our fingers as I had another contraction. He squeezed my hand back as I squeezed his, and once the contraction was done I looked up into his greenish-blue eyes. Bucky smiled weakly, and the doctor told everyone besides Bucky to leave the room. The doctor sat down in front of my legs and pulled on a pair of blue, rubber gloves.
"Ms.Romanoff, you are about three cenimeters dialated. We need you to get to seven. It might take a few minutes." He said, and I groaned.
"Why the fuck did Stark get to have his baby so quickly?" I hissed, and Bucky gently squeezed my hand.
"It's gonna be okay, lyubit'." Bucky encouraged, and I glared at him.
"Buc, Sweetie, your not shitting a child out of your vagina." I sneered, and he smirked at me.
"Sorry." He apologized, and I shook my head.
"Bucky we don't do that, we're Russian...God damnit it's happening again." I complained as another contraction occured.
Bucky held my hand tightly, and I breathed with him. It wasn't the worst pain I felt, I mean I've been shot through the stomach multiple times. It was just annoying. The good thing about getting shot is that it was a quick pain, and pain eventually goes away. This, however, was not quick. I had a few more contractions, and each time the doctor told me how dialated I was. When I was finally seven cenimeters wide, the doctor and nurses around him started couching me through pushing.

Steve's POV
"How do you think it's going, Papa?" Kelsey asked, and I looked over at her.
"It's your Aunt Tasha. She's tough, Cookie." I said, smiling at my little girl.
"How do you think Uncle Bucky's doing? He smeed psyched out." Peter said, and I sighed.
"Bucky may have been an assasian, and in the military, but he has a thing with birth." I said, and Tony scoffed.
"Why?" He asked, and I shrugged.
"When we learned about it in junior high school, he freaked out." I said, and Tony smirked.
"Poor, poor Barnes." He said, and I smiled.
"If it is anything like Peggy's birth than I'm sure he'll do fine." I said, and Peter looked at me.
"Didn't Dad get a c-section?" He asked, and I bit my lip.
"And didn't Dada go into a coma?" Kelsey questioned, and I huffed.
"Okay fine. Let's hope Natahsa just has her baby." I said, and Tony patted my back.
"You tired." He whispered, and I rolled my eyes.

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