Chapter twenty-one

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Peter’s POV   

I hated school. The whole semester was horrible. I got bullied by Flash, and came home with a bunch of bruises. I started to wear long sleeve shirts to cover the bruises, and used Aunt Natasha’s makeup to cover any bruises that were on my face. I bottled up all my feelings and didn’t tell anyone anything, not even Devyn. During winter break I stopped taking my allergy shots. My muscles got really big and I got really tall, and unfortunately Pop and Dad noticed right away.

“Peter, did you stop taking your allergy shots?” Dad asked. I looked up from my plate, embarrassed, and slowly nodded my head.

“What’s wrong with that?” Kelsey asked, taking another bite.

“Peter,” Pop started. “You um...have powers.” He said nervously.

My mouth popped open and I asked,“WHAT?”

“We tried to hide it from you, but you would stop taking those things eventually.” Dad answered not meeting my gaze.

“You can stick to walls, webs come out of your wrists, and you have super strength, just like me!” Pop tried to reassure.

“No!” I cried burying my fist in my hair.

“No? Peter you have P-O-W-E-R-S, powers. Do you know what that means?” Dad asked.

“It’s means I’m even more different!” I pulled up my sleeves to show them my bruises.

“This is just because I have two dads! What are they going to do to me if they find out I have powers like a, like a, like a SPIDER! ‘Spider-man, Peter’s spider-man, the god damn fag can do anything a fucking SPIDER CAN!’” I hissed.

“LANGUAGE!” Pop yelled, and I rolled my eyes.

“WHO IS DOING THIS TO YOU!”  Dad asked, and then pressed two fingers to his temple probably from his constant headache the pregnancy was giving him. I sighed and ran to my room. When I closed the door a web came out of my wrist, and I screamed. Beginning to cry, I called Wade and I told him everything.

“POWERS! Peter you can kick there asses!” Wade cheered

“Yeah so they can make fun of me more.” I protested.

Wade then paused for a second and said, “I have to go, sorry man. BYE!”

He then hung up right as I said, “Bye.” I then stared up at the ceiling, wishing that I wasn’t different.

Steve’s POV

    I put my hands in my hair, thinking about Peter’s outburst.

    “How did we not know?” I asked, looking up at Tony. Tony rubbed his fingers in his hair, before he got up to get more food.

    “He has been acting differently.” My husband said, walking back in holding on to his baby bump.

    “I’ll be back.” I sighed and walked up stairs.

“Hey Peter?” I asked cracking the door open.

“What?” He asked and I walked into the room.

“Can we talk?” I whispered and he looked at me. Peter’s lip started to quiver and he burst into tears crashing into me.

    “I don’t wanna be different.” Peter sniffled rubbing his nose.

    “But that’s the best part of you.” I insisted feeling a hand on my back. I turned around to see Tony holding his bump and he was very concerned.   

    “We all love you because you’re not afraid to be yourself, and you are amazing.” Tony said and Peter looked up at him and asked, “Really?”

    “Really, and if they try touching you beat them up. I give you my full permission.” Tony said. I looked up and him and then at Peter, and Tony put his arm around Peter’s shoulder.

    “Yeah, beat them up.” I sighed.

    “Show them just who Spider-man is.” Tony cheered sitting on the bed.

Tony then wrapped Peter in a full hug, receiving a weak “Thanks”. I wrapped my arms around my husband and son and sighed.

We sat there in each others embrace for about fifteen minutes when Tony winced at some unknown pian. Peter and I quickly let go and looked at Tony. I grabbed onto his bump as he pushed against the bed holding onto his stomach with his other hand.

    “Your child is evil and hates her mother.” Tony said standing up. He then walked into the bathroom and I heard him throwing up.

    “Are you ok?” I asked Peter, and he nodded. I then ran into the bathroom and rubbed my husbands back as he continued to puke.

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