Chapter Twelve

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Tony’s POV

    I couldn't control my smile, I was so happy that I was going to be able to take my kids home today. I ransacked through my clothes looking for something to wear, and Steve walked in and laughed.

“Excited?” he asked.

“More than ever!” I exclaimed. He smiled down at me and I asked, “What are you going to wear?”

“Um… I have no idea.” Steve answered thinking. We looked at our closet filled with clothes but nothing looked right. Steve pulled out a red, white, and brown plaid shirt over a gray tank top. He left the first two buttons open and rolled up the sleeves. He tucked it into a pair of blue jeans and asked, “How do I look?”  

“Great.” I praised and then looked back into the closet. I pulled out a dark gray suit and a red tie. I put it on and brushed my goti.

“You look great.” Steve complimented and then he kissed my jaw line and grabbed my hand. I pushed him against the wall as I kissed his soft lips, and he let out a giggle, holding tightly on my waist.

“Love you Captain.” I whispered.

“I love you too.” Steve said with a smile, and then squeezed my ass before we walked out.

When we got to the orphanage my hands began to shake. I was a nervous reck and slightly hungover. Questions were running through my head; what if I treated the kids the way my dad had treated me? Steve hand was on my keen and he gently moved it up my body to my hand with a soft smile.

“It is going to be ok, they are going to love you.” He whispered. I nodded and lifted his hand to a kiss. We walked into the orphanage, and to our left was a woman at the front desk. She looked up at us with her green eyes hidden by black glasses, and smiled

“Name?” she asked.

I held my breath, still nervous and Steve answered,“Rogers.” before gently squeezing my hand.

“Right this way.” the lady said, and then lead us to a back room.

“How are you not nervous.” I asked, inching closer and closer to my husband as though to hide.

“Because I know that we are giving these kids a great home and I am doing it with my husband.” He replied with a shrug and I sighed looking up at my sweet soldier..

“What did I do to deserve you?” I asked smirking.

Steve bent his head and pecked my lips after whispering, “Love, I fell hard for you.” I rolled my eyes and kissed him again, before turning back to the receptionist.

“Peter, Kelsey” the lady called and a few seconds later two kids came running up. I gasped and Steve squeezed my hand, smiling.

“Come on.” The woman said, walking out the door, and in to another room. We followed her and I couldn’t stop my smiling. The girl was holding her brother’s hand nervously, and I bit my lips at their cuteness.

“Kelsey, Peter these are your dads, Tony and Steve Rogers, your Aunt Natasha, Uncle Bucky, and Uncle Bruce.” The women introduced and then commanded, “Say hello.”

Both children limply waved and Peter said, “Hi, I am Peter this is my sister Kelsey.” My smile got bigger and I saw that Steve’s did too, and he had little tears in his eyes.

“Hi, Peter I’m Tony, and this is my husband Steve, he is going to be your Pop and I will be you Daddy.” I said squatting down so he didn’t have to look up at me.

Steve waved and then Kelsey yelled, “Papa, Dada!” before barreling towards Steve wrapping her arms around his legs, and she started giggled.

“That’s right Kelsey.” Steve said picking her up, then Peter smiled and ran over to me and I picked him up.

“Hey, squirt” I laughed and hugged him.

“You are the best Papa!” Kelsey giggled, and Steve began to cry.

“What wrong?”  Kelsey asked, her face fear.

Steve just laughed, the cute laugh I fell in love with, and said, “Nothing, I’m just really happy to see you. Your Dada and I have been waiting a while to meet you and have heard so much about you!”

“Me too, Papa!” Kelsey said, squeezing the old man, as Peter went on and on about how much he loves the Avengers. Once he was done I turned around, showing Peter to Nat and Bucky both assassins falling l in love, like Steve and I did, right away.

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