Chapter Sixteen

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Third person POV

When the family got to the hospital Tony walked to the receptionist desk, and notified, “My daughter has a broken wrist and a collapsed lung.” The women nodded and she called a nurse who took Kelsey from Steve’s arms. They followed the nurse into a room and watched as the a doctor helped Kelsey. After a few hours Tony’s head rested asleep on Steve’s shoulder, and Peter was sleeping on both of their laps.

“Stevie?” Tony asked as his eyes fluttered open. Steve’s head was resting on the back of the chair, and his mouth was open. Tony smiled and then put his head back on Steve’s shoulder making him wake up.

“Hey, Love.” Steve said tiredly. Then his eyes grew wide and he got up, slightly adjusting Peter onto only Tony’s lap, and looked through the medical equipment. Steve grabbed a cleaning alcohol and a bunch of cotton balls, ripping them open. Then he poured some of the alcohol on to the fluffy round balls and smiled down at his husband. He rolled up Tony’s shirt and then attempted to clean the giant gash in Tony’s side. Tony winced in pain as the burning liquid touched him.

“Sorry!” Steve said, as he pulled the cotton away.

“It’s fine.” Tony reassured. Steve then started to kiss Tony every time he pressed the cotton against him. Steve did the same process with the wound on Tony’s shoulder. When he was done he got someone to stitch up the tare. Steve then pulled his husband close, and kissed his neck waiting for their children to wake up. A minute passed, and Kelsey woke up screaming, making Peter wake as well. Tony clutched Peter to his chest before Steve and him stood up and ran over to Kelsey who had burst out in tears. Peter crawled in the bed next to the nervous girl and pulled her close, as his parents rushed to get a doctor. When Steve and Tony came running back in there was a man behind them who did a check up on Kelsey. Then Tony picked up Peter, and Steve picked up Kelsey and they went home.

Kelsey’s POV

    The room was dark. I could only hear the slimy footsteps of the Aliens that had kidnapped me earlier. Light started to shine throughout the room and I gasped as I saw the scary alien. It’s long black fingers came towards me and rested on my face. I screamed trying to get away, but it kept its grip.

    “Kelsey.” It hissed, and I moved my face. The creature then picked me up and flew away. “You’re never going to see your family again Never going to see your Papa and Dada, or Peter!” It snickered, and I started to scream.

    “Leave me alone!” I yelled.

    “You are never going to escape!” He hissed, and I shook my head.

    “No! My Papa and Dada will save me!” I yelled.

    “No they won’t!” The alien yelled, and punched me.

    “No! Don’t hurt me!” I begged, and the alien punched me again.

    “Papa! Dada!” I yelled wanting my parents to save me.

    “Kelsey!” I heard someone yell and my eyes flew open.

    In front of me where my Papa and Dada. Dada looked like he wanted to be asleep as he held his hand out for me. Papa was holding my face with a worried expression. My bottom lip began to quiver as I thought about the aliens.

    “What’s wrong, Dear?” Dada asked, and I burst into tears.

    “I had a dream about the aliens!” I wailed, crashing into Papa’s body.

    “Shh shh.” Papa cooed rubbing my hair. Dada had gotten up and moved behind me wrapping his arms tightly around me and Papa.

    “Don’t cry beautiful. Dada and I will always be here to protect you from the bad aliens!” Papa told me, and I squeezed him tighter.

    “Are you sure?” I asked.

    “Of course. Iron Man and Captain America will come and protect you. As will Black Widow, Iron Patriot, Hawkeye, Hulk, Scarlet Witch, Vision, Uncle Bucky, and even though you haven’t met him yet Unlce Thor will come beat the shi-” Dad was then cut off by Papa.

    “Tony! Language!” Papa hissed, and Dada laughed.

    “Weally?” I asked still having trouble saying “r”. I looked up at Dada and Papa, and Papa smiled.

    “Really.” He then started to tickle me, and I started to laugh.

    “Ahhh!” I giggled squirming. Dada started to tickle me too, and I couldn’t stop laughing.

    “Stop! Stop! Ahh!” I giggled pushing their hands off of me.

    “I’m only three!” I laughed, and Dada rolled up my PJ shirt. He then blew on my stomach, and I couldn’t stop laughing. Papa then started tickling us both, and I let out a giggle that turned into a yawn.

    “Are you tired Giggles?” Dada asked, and I nodded.

    “C-can I sleep with you tonight?” I asked and both of my parents nodded.

    “You never have to ask.” Papa said scooping me up in his arms. He then carried me to his bed Dada following.

    “Dad can you get me my teddy?” I asked, and Dad quickly ran to get it. When he came back in Papa and I were snuggled under the covers. Dada got on my other side and Papa wrapped his arms around both of us.

    “Goodnight little girl.” Papa whispered as I snuggled into him.

    “Goodnight, Papa and Dada.” I yawned, and Dada kissed the back of my head.

    “I love you both.” Dada said.

    “I love you both.” Papa said as my eyes fluttered closed.

    “I love you too.” I whispered before falling asleep.

A little family fluff for all you amazing readers! I hope you like my story!

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