Chapter Eleven

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Thank you for all the support! 239 reads!!! Sorry the chapters are a little long. Thank you guys again for reading my story!

Third person POV

    Tony walked around the Avenger tower drunkenly searching everywhere for something to do. He walked into his lab and said, “Jarvis, I request entry!” with a distinctive voice. He then snorted and walked into the lab as the AI opened the door. He looked around and saw all of his many expensive cars. He walked up to his neon green Porsche, and  stared at it. Then he grabbed a tool box and opened the front hood. He pulled out several tools, but before he could do anything he saw a hand close the car hood.

“Your drunk” Steve said, “and it is one in the morning, lets go to sleep.”

Tony looked at Steve seductively and asked, “Don’t you mean go to bed?”  

Steve rolled his eyes and sweetly said, “No, Baby you’re drunk I won’t sleep with someone who is drunk, okay?”

“You’ve done it before.” Tony reminded, and Steve sighed.


Tony looked at the super soldier pathetically and said “No!” like a toddler.

“Fine then,” shrugged Steve. He then grabbed Tony’s legs and hauled him over his shoulder, and Tony flailed around.


Steve laughed, “I’m your piece of shit.” and he continued to walk. Tony continued to scream at Steve, but when they got to the elevator Tony had passed out. Steve then adjusted Tony, so that he could hold him bridal style. When they got to their room, Steve stripped Tony down to his boxers and put on his “I married Captain America, but your husband is cool too.” shirt, and he put Tony under the covers and snuggled next to him. The next morning Tony woke up to the sound of pots, and pans banging in the kitchen. He put his hand to his temple as he winced at the pain in his head.

“Stevie?” He asked. Receiving no answer he grabbed the comforter and wrapped it around his head and trudged down the stairs.

    “Morning, Darling.” Steve hummed.

“Morning, Cap.” Tony grunted.

Steve then put down a cup of tea and two advils and Tony looked up at him and asked, “How’d you know?”

“Well, you woke up in the middle of the night and I had to put you in bed.”

Tony laughed and said, “Thanks.” Steve smiled and bent down and kissed Tony’s cheek.

“Of course, you're my husband and I got the ring to prove it.” Steve then held up his hand to show Tony the ring and Tony nodded. Steve then squeezed Tony’s shoulder and continued to make breakfast.

“Why are you making breakfast Capsicle?” Tony asked as Steve put a plate filled with eggs, bacon, and a piece of toast in front of Tony.

“Thank you” Tony said and then he dug in.

"It's a big day." Steve said, and Tony continued to eat trying to figure out what Steve ment. After a few minutes, Tony came up with nothing, and Bucky and Natasha walked in. Bucky had his arms wrapped around the Blake Widow whispering in he ear making both of them giggle.

“Hey,” chirped Steve.

“What’s up Rogers?” Natasha greeted. Tony did a limp wave and Natasha smirked.

“Got drunk again?” she whispered to Steve, he nodded his head and said, “He will be fine. Didn’t you hear him last night?”

“That was him?” Steve nodded and Natasha pushed Tony’s shoulder. “Come on, I want to meet them! Get up you lazy ass.”

Tony’s head then shot up and he asked, “Is that today?”

“Yup.” Bucky replied sticking a piece of bacon in his mouth.

Tony put his hands in his hair and sighed, “God am I going to be a horrible father.”

“Don’t talk like that Peter and Kelsey are going to love you as much as I do!” Steve purred and then kissed Tony’s ear.

Bruce walked in and asked,“Is it time already?” Natasha nodded and Tony sprange up.

“Let me get dressed” he said running to the elevator, with Steve following.

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