Chapter Thirty-two

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Kelsey's POV

   "Whooo!" Peter hollard as he swung from building to building.
   "This suit is amazing!" He cheered flipping on top of the roof of a ATM.
   "Your welcome! No more sweatpants for you." I said landing on the roof, and my visor that was apart of my helmet rose off my eyes.
   "Elie, Uncle Bucky's friend, helped me." I said, and Peter smiled.
   "It's super comfortable." Peter said, and I nodded.
   "I know I'm amazing. Peter Rogers' little sister is a tech genuis!" I teased, and Peter rolled his eyes.
   "Have you thought of a superhero name yet?" He asked focused on the people walking on the New York City sidewalks.
   "Ms. Vibranium. Because the suit's made out of vibranium." I smirked.
   "Ms. Vibranium, where did you get vibranium?" Peter asked confused.
   "Caymen. His older brother is the king of Wakanda." I smiled thinking about my best friend. "You didn't know?"
   "No." Peter muttered.
   "You're oblivious." I scoffed, and Peter shot a web at my face.
   I yelped and pulled it off my helmet. There was then a ringing noise, and Peter stood up. I pressed a button on the side of my helmet and my visor came down.
   "Hey FRIDAY?" I asked the AI, I may have stolen from my dad.
   "Yes Ms.Rogers?" FRIDAY's Irish voice filled my ears.
   "What's that sound?" I wondered looking around.
   "The ATM you are standing on seems to be broken in to." She informed, and I clapped my hands.
   "Peter did you hear that?" I excalimed.
   "You wanna stop some bad guys?" He asked with a smirked, and I flew off the roof.
   We both made our way into the building that held the ATM. The machine was open, and four masked people were throwing money in black duffle bags. I looked at Peter, and he leaned against a wall propping one arm up. I followed his lead by leaning back on the wall across from Peter, and I crossed my arms propping my left foot on the wall. Peter cleared his throat, and I smiled before realizing they couldn't see my mouth.
   "Sup guys." I said.
   "Forget your pin number?" Peter quipped.
   All heads snapped in our diriction, and I saw that they had Avengers themed masks: Hulk, Thor, Captain America, and Iron Man. I stiffled a laugh, and Peter pointed at them.
   "Woah, you guys are the Avengers." Peter fake gasped, and they started standing up as Iron Man took the saftey off his gun.
   "What are you guys doing here?" I added, and Peter and I backed up slightly.
   Iron Man then aimed the gun at us -what a weird thing to say- and Peter shot the muzzle with his webs, pulling it towards him. Thor then came near me, and Thor made a move to elbow me, as he often does at home.
   "Thor," I said, grabbing the mans elbow and throwing his first into the face of Hulk.
   "Hulk. It's nice to meet you guys." I said.
   Peter then jumped up placing his hands on the ceiling and stuck his left foot to Thor. He then threw him back into a poster towards the enterance of the ATM, and I blasted Hulk through the window.
   "I thought he'd be more handsome in person." Peter teased pointing back at the man with the Thor mask while hanging upside down.
   "Yeah me too." I said, as Iron Man threw his fist at Peter's face.
   Captain America came up behind me, and I turned around kicking him in the face just like Auntie Tasha taught me.
   "Iron Man!" Peter excalimed dodging weak punchs from the guy in the Iron Man mask.
   "What're you doing robbing a bank? I thought you were a millionaire." Peter said, and I kicked Iron Man's butt making his knees fall to the ground.
   "Billionaire." I corrected, and Peter nodded jumping off the ceiling.
   "Right. You think I should know that." He stated.
   "You think." I scoffed droping to the ground and kicked the legs out from Hulk as he tried to shoot me with a gun.
   Captain America then stood up again, grabbing this big gun with three ends to it. He aimed it at Peter, and Peter tried to take it away from him, but the gun captured him in some form of tractor beam.
   "Dude! This feels so weird!" Peter said, his voice sounding deeper than normal, and I blasted Hulk as he came up behind Peter. The blast sent Peter back into Thor, and I gasped.
   "What is that thing?" I asked, and the man turned around towards me aiming the gun.
   I jumped out of the way in time, and I kicked the man's gut. The moment he hit the ground, Captain America jumped back up grabbing the gun and got me caught in it's beam. He threw me into the roof, and I let out a little grunt.
   "I'm starting to think..." The man then slammed me into the ground. "'re not the Avengers."
   Peter shot a web at Iron Man's back and pulled him back into a wall on the other side of the ATM. Peter then webbed him up quickly, and I noticed Thor started to stand up. I blasted him back before flying towards him and slamming my knee into his chest. Hulk stood up next, and I sidekicked him twice before grabbing his head and banging it with Thor's.
   "Hey guys, we got a curfew." Peter said kicking Iron Man back into Captain America.
   "Yeah, it's a school night. Let's wrap this up." I agreed blasting Thor for what felt like the 100th time.
   Iron Man then attempted to shoot Peter again with this tractor beam thingy. Peter shot a large web at the gun and the webbing clinged to the wall. Peter walked over to Iron Man, lifting his mask and letting it pop back on his face.
   "How did jerks like you, end up with tech like this?" Peter asked, and I rear kicked Captian America.
   I then heard the sound of a gun revving to life, and I turned around with a gasp seeing Hulk aiming a purple, glowing gun at me. I blasted his leg, and Peter pulling his other leg the opposite way simultaneously. The gun went off and sliced through the aparment above us, and the sandwich shop across the street.
   "Shit." I whispered.
   "Mr. Dellmore!" Peter gasped, and he sprinted for the shop.
   I turned towards the fake Avengers, seeing the blast knocked out Hulk and Captian America. I blasted Thor twice, and he fell to the ground stunned, and I jumped on Iron Man's shoulders -eww- and punched him twice making his knees buckle. I then heard the sound of police sierns, and I looked across the street for Peter. I saw him exit the sandwich shop, holding a cat and helping a man. I let out a sigh, happy he was alright, and I grabbed a pen and paper off the table. I started to scribbled on the paper the words "Sorry about the mess! You're welcome for saving people's money! ~Ms.Vibranium and Spider-Man". I then ran across the street over to Peter, and I gestured with my head for us to go.
   "That was crazy! We gotta tell someone about those guns!" Peter said as we rushed home.
   "Can't worry about that now. We just gotta make sure Dad and Pop don't flip their lids. Dinner starts in five minutes." I said, and we turned the corner to the Avengers tower.
   "Play it cool. We were playing video games the whole time." Peter said, and I nodded.
Peter then jumped under the window of our game room, and he slowly lifted the glass open. He then crawled inside and onto the roof, and I quietly flew in after him. I landed on the ground softly and double tapped my arc reactor making my suit come off and expose black jeans and a AC/DC crop top. The suit turned into a suit case. My hair then fell out of my helmet and onto my back as I took it off, and I put the hair tie from around my wrist into a pony tail. Peter got off the ceiling glancing at the closed door, and he pressed the button that made his suit come off. I then heard the sound of something breaking, and I quickly turned around.
   "You're Spider-Man! And Iron Girl."
   "Iron Girl?" I muttered.
   "No! No were not." Peter said, and Ned nodded.
   "You were on the ceiling! And you were flying!" Ned gasped, and there was a knock on the door.
   Dad opened it, and he furrowed his eyebrows seeing Peter half naked. "Pete, I love you, but put some clothes on."
   "Okay." Peter said, and he hurried to his room.
   "Hey Ned, wanna get dinner with us?" Dad asked, and Ned looked at me with wide eyes as I took a step in front of my suit.
   Ned looked at me with wide eyes, and I raised an eyebrow. "I'm good. My mom is probably expecting me." Ned said.
   "Sorry." I mouthed to him, and Ned smiled.
   "It's okay." He said walking past me, and I thanked him.
   "Hey Giggles, how are you?" Dad asked wrapping an arm around my shoulders.
   "Good." I smiled, and Dad kissed my head.
   "Where's Pop and Peggy?" I asked.
   "Asleep." He asnwered.
   "I'll wake em up." He smiled, and I did too putting my head on his shoulder.
   "So, where were you?" He asked, and I gulped.
   "Out." I said, and Dad nodded.
   "Right. Out. How'd you enter through the window?" He asked.
   "I didn't come through the window." I lied with a laugh, and Dad nodded.
   "Hmm, right. And, Kels, what is this?" Dad asked picking up my suit case and pressing the button.
   My suit then formed, and Dad looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "So did you stop the bank heist Ms.Vibranium."
   "How did you?" I whispered, and Dad smirked.
   "I'm a genuis, Smarty. And apperently you are too. However, your thrusters could use a little work, and maybe we can do a nanotech upgrade. Make your suit dissapear into your arc reactor or something like that. I'm working on one for myself. Maybe we can make one for Peter." Dad said, and I let out a fake laugh.
   "Peter? Peter's not a superhero." I said, and Tony nodded.
   "Right. Right. And this is not his suit." Dad said picking up Peter's Spider-Man suit. "This is really good technology too, Kelsey."
   "Dada, I'm sorry." I apologized, and Dad raised his eyebrow.
   "Why?" He wondered.
   "Because being a superhero is dangerous, and we should've asked you and Papa first, and..." I started to ramble, and Dad laughed.
   "Kelsey. You're the daughter of Captian America and Iron Man, and Peter is the son. Every time Thor is around you demand piggy back rides. You skipped two grades and love spending time in my lab. You and Peter are not afraid to scare the Winter Soldier or Black Widow by climbing in the vents with Hawkeye. Peter can also stick to walls, beat Captian America in arm wrestling, and one of his best friends is Loki. Also, since you were both little you have begged me to take him flying in the suit. Then what about Caymen? His older brother is King T'Challa, and your suit is made of vibranium." Dad said, and I bit my lip.
   "I can't prevent it. You have grown up in a house of superheros. I'm not gonna stop you from becoming one." Dad said.
   "Thank God." I let out a sigh of relief, and Dada kissed my head.
   "Kay, I gotta wake up your Papa and little sister." He said, and he left the room.
   Peter came running in, and he picked up his suit off the ground. "I forgot I left this here!" He excalimed.
   "Dada knows." I reported, and Peter's eyes grew wide.
   "Is he, is he okay, okay with it?" He stuttered.
   "Yup. He wants to help us make suits!" I excalimed, and Peter smiled.
   "That's great!" He said.
   I smiled. "I know."
   There was then a knock on the door, and I opened it. Dad was standing there with an eyebrow raised.
   "Kelsey Mia Rogers, mind telling me where FIRDAY is?"
   "If I said I took her, hypothetically of course, would you be mad?" I asked.
   "Kelsey you can't steal from me." Dad hissed, and I nodded biting my lip.
   "I'm sorry Dada." I said, and Dad sighed looking away.
   He was quiet for a moment, and I thought he was going to yell at me."Kelsey you can't do that though."
   "I'm really am sorry. I just, I needed an AI and if I used JARVIS he would tell you." I said, and Dad sighed.
   "No more stealing." He pointed at me, and I nodded.
   "I didn't steal anything Dad!" Peter excalimed, and I looked at him with my mouth open.
   "Favorite child material right here I think." Peter teased with a smirk,  and I rolled my eyes.
   "You suck." I muttered.
   "Okay!" Peter smirked, and he skipped out of the room.
   "Okay!" I mocked in a high pitched voice.
   "I love you two." Dad said, and he took my hand leading me out of the room.

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