Chapter Thirteen

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TIME SKIP: Peter’s First day of school

Steve's POV

    When I walked into the living room I saw Peter was sitting on the ground putting together his Captain America and Iron Man backpack. I sat next to him and ruffled his hair.

“Hey buddy, ready for the first day of Kindergarten?” I asked.

Peter looked up at me and chipped, “Will you and Daddy come with me?”

“Of course. I’m not missing my big boys first day of school!” I exclaimed wrapping him into a hug. I started to tickle him and he let out several little sheriks.

“POP!” Peter yelled trying to get out of my grip, but I just kept tickling him.

“PLEASE STOP! I CAN’T BREATH!” Peter begged, and I laughed letting go.

“Oh thank god! I thought you were going to kill me!” Peter gasped, and I laughed.

I then kissed him on the head and told him, “Ya’ know you are just like your Daddy.”
    Peter’s eyes grew wide and he gasped, “Really?” I nodded and he smiled.

“Can I be Iron Man and Captain America?” Peter asked and I laughed.

“Yes you can Slugger, you can even be Black Widow if you want. Just know your Daddy and I love you more than anything.” I then picked up my little son and threw him in the air, and as I caught him a squeal of laughter escaped his mouth.

“I love you too.” he said back, making me smile. I then set him down, as Tony walked in holding Kelsey on his hip.

“That’s right Giggles, Peter has to go to school today.” Tony informed and Kelsey’s happy face dimed. Tony’s eyes filled with the fear of making our little girl unhappy, and quickly added, “But, you will get to hang out with Papa and I all day.” Kelsey then smiled with a small cheer, hugging Tony and sucking on her thumb, making me smile.

“Hey Baby. Hey Cookie.” I said and kissed Kelsey on the forehead before Tony’s lips.

“I want lippy kissy!” Kelsey begged grabbing at my face. I laughed, gently putting her hands in mine, and sighed gently pecking her lips. As I did Kelsey’s checks turned a light pink and Tony laughed.

“Just like you Stebe.” The inventor remarked.

I rolled my eyes, and walked into the kitchen calling, “What do you guys want for breakfast?”  

“Eggs.” Peter called.

“Cereal, please.” Tony requested.

“BACON!” Kelsey giggled and I laughed, “Okay.”

Bruce then came into the kitchen and asked, “Can I have some bacon too?”

“Yeah.” I said as Tony, Peter, and Kelsey came into the room. Tony was still holding Kelsey and Peter and him were holding hands. A large smile spread across my face at my happy little family.
Since the 30’s I’ve wanted a little family, but I had to admit I never would have guessed I would be in the 21st century as Captain America married to Iron Man, and have a son that had powers of his own that nobody had told him about.

“Ready for your allergy shots Pete?” Bruce asked. Peter nodded his head and stuck out his arm. Bruce then took out a pair of syringes that had a cream liquid filling. He injected the shot into Peter and said, “All done,” smiling.

Peter’s “allergy” shots were to make his powers less noticeable. He was a little faster than others and stronger, but the powers were subtle enough to be unnoticeable.

I turned around, once I was done making everybody's food, and handed them their meals.

“Hurry Peter, we have to go soon.” I reminded.

“Okay Pop.” The boy replied in between bites.

“Don’t talk with your mouth full.” Tony scolded, with his mouth full, and then turned back to his plate.

“Hypocrite.” I scoffed and Tony slammed his fork down.

“Wanna fight me old man?” Tony hissed and I rolled my eyes.

“I love you.” I purred. Tony rolled his eyes and continue to eat. I walked over to him wrapping my large arms around his waist and started to kiss his ear.

After a few minutes Tony groaned, and whispered “I love you too, Capsicle.” I let go of him and walked back over to my almost cold plate and started to eat. When we were done eating we all went downstairs to the garage and we drove to Peter’s school.

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