Chapter Seven

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   Tony's POV

“Stay out there I have a surprise!” I cheered, and then scrambled to get ready. I pulled out some red Santa themed boxers from a drawer where I had hid all of Steve’s presents. I then pulled out a red ribbon and a little box that was tied up in the same color. I put the box on the bed and tied the ribbon up my left leg, around my abdomen and neck, and up both of my arms onto the backboard.

    “Okay, come in Captain.” I yelled and Steve slowly opened up the door. His eyes grew wide when he saw me, and I rested my expression in a smirk.

    “T-tones, what are you doing?” He asked.

I rolled my eyes and hissed, “Stop acting so innocent and close the door.” Steve smiled, then closed the door, and hopped into the bed. I gestured, with my head, down to the box and he furrowed his brows. He picked up the box and opened it, revealing a small button. He pressed it and an explosion of fireworks blasted outside our large window. Steve slightly jumped and then laughed smiling and read the words, that were written in the fireworks, out loud.

    “Merry Christmas, Stevie.” He laughed to himself and then looked back at me. He looked up and down my body slowly and then lifted his sweater off above his head.

    “Come on Cap, it’s Christmas eve.” I egged on, and Steve passionalty pressed his lips against mine. They trailed down my neck to my chest, and he bit down on my abdomen. He then traced a circle on my quad as he kissed my collar bone. He lifted his lips, and looked down as he fumbled with his belt. He got it undone, and threw off his pants.

    “Why did I get dressed if I was just gonna get undressed again?” He asked, and I shrugged my shoulders.

    “Because only I am allowed to see your dick, isn’t that right?” I asked as seductively as I could.

Steve bit his lip and whispered “Yes, but we all know I am the boss.” in my ear, and then bit down on it messing with the red ribbon that wrapped around my torso. He then shoved one hand down my boxers and grabbed onto my member. He started to pump it and I let out a small moan.

    “BUCKY!” I heard Natasha cry out through the vents and I cursed. “We should move them to a different room.”

Steve giggled and continue to pump me while he kissed my lips. He tried to pull away, but I bit down on his bottom lip with my teeth. He laughed and kissed me one more time, before I let him go. He the moved his lips down my abdomen, following the ribbons path, to the top of my boxers. He pulled them down, gently with his teeth, and kissed my hip socket. He then started to kiss my legs, and massaged my abdomen. He then held up his fingers looking down at my cock.

    “May I?” He asked, and I snickered, “Always a gentleman.” Steve then blushed and I took his fingers into my mouth. I coated them with my saliva by using my tongue. He then pulled it out and sexily dragged them down grabbing my dick. He traced my hole, putting my legs over his broad shoulders. Kissing my abs he stuck one finger in and then the other. I moaned as he twisted his fingers inside of me. He then pulled out quickly and stuck a little bit of himself into me. He began to thrust his hips always getting a little deeper. He held onto my hips and started to rock them, hitting my g spot. I moaned his name and he snickered. He pushed his body closer to mine, causing his dick to push further inside of me. I balled my hands into fist as Steve pulled at the ribbon on my left leg.

“Oh, Captain.” I moaned as he sucked my nipple. He started to hit me more and more and I bit my lip as hard as I could.

    “Stebe! Oh my god Stevie!” I yelled as he hit me harder and harder. Then from upstairs I heard Natasha screaming her lovers name. Steve giggled and continued to thrust, and I called his name again. He kept thrusting pulling at the ribbion on my torso making my back arch into him. I scream and moaned as he hit new places and tied the ribbon tighter and around me. He then pulled himself out, and smiled.

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