Chapter Twenty-Three

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Tony's POV

I woke up to the sound of a someone screaming my name. I looked to my right and there was Steve lying awake in a chair, hyperventilating. I looked around and saw a ton of deflated balloons reading, “Get well, soon”, “Sorry”, and then a bunch of cards that all looked like they belonged at a funeral.

“Steve?” I whispered, and looked at my husband. His eyes grew wide and he raced toward me his breath reeking of alcohol.

“No, Steve stop doing this. It’s you imagination. Your imagining this. Tony,” he then paused tears running down his face, “Tony is in a coma.”

“No, I’m not.” I protested. Steve then snapped his head up, and put his hands on my face feeling it with his thumbs. He gasped eyes getting wide and I smirked at him.

“Doctor!” He yelled and a young man ran into the room. His eyes grew as big as Steve’s when they locked with mine. He rushed over and messed with all the machines that I was hooked up to.

“Congratulations, Mr.Rogers, your husband is out of his coma.” Steve looked at me slowly, and then he pushed his lips into mine. I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him closer, still confused about the coma but not wanting Steve’s warm touch to leave.

“I’ll give you some time, and Mr. Rogers you have a healthy baby girl, Peggy.” the doctor then smiled and left.

I looked at Steve, smiling, and asked, “You named her Peggy?”

“Yeah I thought we could honor Peggy, since she died a few years ago.” Steve whispered and tears pulled at my eyes.

“I love it.” I whispered and then kissed him again. I sighed, and he grabbed my hand that rested on his face.

“I thought I lost you!” Steve cried, and I searched his face.

“What happened?” I asked.

“Well you were six hours in labor and the pain knocked you out. They did a c-section and waited for you to wake, up. ” he took a deep breath.

“A few days passed and they said you had a coma.  I’m so, sorry.” Steve apologized putting his head in my hands.

“For what?” I asked wiping the tears from his cheeks.

“Lately I’ve been drinking even though I can’t get drunk. Natasha and Bucky are looking after the kids, since I haven’t left your side. And I kinda shut everyone out.” I looked at Steve, and shook my head, not wanting him to be sad or feel guilty.

“I know, I know. Yell at me, cuss me out for all I care. I still see the kids everyday and I tell them that I love them, and I then I lie to them. I lie to my kids that their Daddy is going to be okay. I lie to them that I’m going to be okay. I lie to them that you are coming home and I feel horrible. The worst part about that lie is that I tell them it so much that I started to be-” I then interrupted him with a passionate kiss. When I pulled away his eyes were still closed and tears were coming even faster.

”Believe it.” He finished.

“Don’t apologize Stebe, I would have been so much worse. As long as you still love the kids and that you are their Pop, and they still love you, then you don’t need to worry. I do have to ask something though, how long have I been out?”

“Two months.” Steve whispered. Then there was a knock on the door, and Bucky burst in with Kelsey and Peter behind him.


“WHAT THE FUCK BUCKY!” Natasha yelled, as she walked in holding a baby in her right hand and her left hand was under a very small baby bump.

I raised an eyebrow and she said, “Yeah he got me pregnant.”  

I nodded my head as Bucky wrapped me in a hug. I hesitated at first but then I hugged him back.

“You’re husband's annoying.” He whispered pulling away and I smiled.

“Aren’t you used to it?” I teased and Bucky shrugged.

“I almost missed having to save him from getting beat up behind a grocery store.” Bucky said and I laughed. I then saw Steve hugging Kelsey, and Peter, and apologizing to them as tears were painting their faces. Then Peter, and Kelsey ran up to me and hugged me. Steve walked over and soon everyone was hugging me.

A few minutes past and then Peter asked, “Dad, can you still come to family day?” I laughed and nodded my head.

“No,” Steve began to protest but before he could say anything else I kissed him.

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