2: 23.

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We parked a bit further away from the warehouse. A few more cars came and parked next to ours, and Ryan stepped out of the car. Ryan went and greeted a bunch of men in suits and I sat in the car while Smith left and also talked to the men. The longer I sat in the car, the smaller it got.

I got out of the car and I took a deep breath as I glanced over at the warehouse. It was dark outside, and the warehouse lights weren't even on. Only the moon provided us light tonight.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned around to see Ryan. He held a gun out to me and I took it from his hand. He planted a kiss on my forehead and a thin smile grew on my face. I was nervous. My whole body was sweating, even in places I didn't think could sweat. My heart was pounding so fast to the point where it might not beat anymore.

"We're all ready.. are you?" He spoke in a quiet voice. I could tell how nervous he was, but I've never seen him look so determined. I wondered what was on his mind at the moment, and what he was doing to keep himself calm. Even Smith looked undisturbed, he stood there with a straight face. I also wondered what was going through Smith's head.

I glanced at all the men in suits and they seemed very collected as well. I took another deep breath as I gazed down at the gun I held tightly in my hand. "Okay." I said as I peered up at Ryan's face. "I'm ready."

He turned to his men and gave them a nod, and they all nodded back in response. Ryan grabbed my hand and gripped it tightly as we began walking over to the warehouse.

All I kept thinking about was my mother and Mr. Bradley. I hoped so badly that they were okay. I didn't want to see them hurt or injured severely. I only thought, please be there, please be there, please be there. I didn't want to come all this way and for them not to be there, because I was tired of playing Mr. Winchester's games.

Smith went ahead and opened a door for us. My heart stopped when we stepped through to reveal an open space inside. Right in the middle was my mother and Mr. Bradley on the floor all tied up with duct tape on their mouths. I gasped as I went to go rush to them, but Ryan pulled me back.

"What if it's a trap?" He told me and I shook his hand off mine.

"Who cares?" I responded as I ran to them, tears falling out of my eyes. I fell to my knees in front of my mother who seemed almost lifeless. Her face was super pale with no trace of color in it. She slowly opened her eyes and they widened when she saw me. She started yelling things, but they were muffled by the tape on her mouth. I removed the tape gently as I could from her mouth.

"Kimberly! What are you doing here?!" She was panicking, but I placed my hands on her shoulders, trying my best to comfort her. Mr. Bradley woke up, but he did not do anything, he continued to sit there.

"I'm here to save you.." I answered, and then suddenly the giant warehouse door slammed open, and a large group of men in black charged in here and there was Mr. Winchester. I immediately stood up and glared at him as Hailey was being carried by David who was walking right next to Mr. Winchester who was in a wheelchair. He had the most despicable grin on his face and David kept a straight expression.

All of a sudden I heard maniacal laughter and I turned around to see that it was Lucy who was being shoved to the ground my Smith. She was laughing like crazy and I turned back to see Mr. Winchester tilting his head at us. David wasn't reacting one bit, even though Lucy was supposed to be his girl. "Well, well, well... look what we have here," Mr. Winchester spoke up as he clasped his hands together in his lap.

I helped my mother and Mr. Bradley to their feet and I walked them back to where Ryan and the others were standing. "This has always been between us. Why'd you have to go and involve others into this?!" Ryan shouted to his father as he stepped forward. His fists were clenched so tightly, I could see the white in his knuckles.

Babysitting the Bad Boy: Books 1&2Where stories live. Discover now