Chapter 23 : Father knows

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It is a jolly good day.

Gaia is merciful by shining rays of sunlight through the sky and I'm in the best mood after last night. She's mine now, all mine. Wivler wasn't going to have her, she was mine. My father can try to kill her, but he'd only end up killing his only son.

I walk towards the forest this time and trail across a path to a stream. Once I know I'm safe, I open a black-circular portal in the stream and dive in.

I come out the other end—back in my room. It's the same as it was always and I exit through the hidden door behind the weapon's cabinet. I walk another ten minutes through the hallway. Its dark with portraits of my father in his disgusting glory. I wouldn't say I love my father, or have the best of connections with him, but it is only me and him.

He's an asshole, despite bringing me up, teaching me how to control my unique abilities, giving me the title and power as Prince; it was the least bit he could after he killed my mother. I never saw her real face but the photo I have of her keeps me sane.

She's beautiful.

For years I thought I was the one who killed her, but after my twenty-first birthday, when I got full control of my powers, I tracked down my maternal family history and killed every Romano I got a hold of. I didn't care. What was there to care about? They were monsters worse than I was; killing one of their own after a silly mistake.

As the passage nears to an end, I see a portrait of me when I was small with my father. I was so fond of him then, but when he interrupted my personal life, shit got real.

I'm now in the throne room. A huge skeletal throne resides in the centre; it is humungous—almost able to fit at least two ogres.

The black swirls of bones that cover the arm rest is getting boring, but I wasn't here to give an interior design lecture—I was summoned.

"My son! Good to have you back!" he shouts from the other end.

"Very nice to see you well and alive, as always father." I groan and roll my eyes to meet him at the end. "What brings you here?"

"Like I have to explain..." I tell him.

"She doesn't know yet does she?"

"She knows everything father." I tell him at the end.

"Hmm...she could still reject..." he tries to anger me.

"Why have you called me for father?" I ask him annoyed, "I have a lot of hunting to do..." I say. "To tell you to end it with the mortal. Whatever game you're trying to play with me, you have to stop it. This time it's dangerous." he warns me.

"This is ridiculous! Do you actually think I'm going to listen to you?!" I walk away from him, but he catches up of course.

"I am serious Caivanial! There's a reason her last name is Kain!" he argues with me.

"I know she's a Kain. And it doesn't matter. It's a benefit for me." I tell him. His eyes widen at me with disgust and rage.

"You idiot!" he screams at me then slaps me across my face. I take it, because I know it was stupid of me to do, but I wanted it.

"The Mark of Mea will kill you! You're the only heir to the throne!" he stammers. "What difference does it make father? You've lived longer than me and you'll continue. I'll never get on the throne." "So? I will not let you die for some stupid mortal girl!"

"My life father! I am way too old to be receiving instructions from you anymore." "Caivanial, you're going to remove that Mark, or so help me, I will."

"You can't father. Nobody can."

"Then I'll keep her soul..." he says and my mind falls.

"You're not going to..." I say but I know him; when he says it, he means it.

"It's the only way to protect you my son."

"Father, I'm warning you! If you do, I will go against you! I will break the Cabinet!" "Try and see my son. There's nothing I can't handle." he says with a grin.

"You're not going to hurt her!" I scream before I race towards him. I try to bulldoze him down, but my efforts prove useless when he transports me back to the stream.

"Asshole!" I scoff and go to smash a tree.

If he really takes her away, I'll never be able to see her again.

This was bullshit! This was all my fault!

I thought placing the Mark was going to help, but it only made it worse. I scream louder and louder and until the tree drops; I wasn't going to let that symbolise anything.

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