AGC- Peppers departure.

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IronDingus removed everyones nickname.

Tony: Guys...

Steve: Whats going on?

Nat: Everything okay?

Tony: Pepper left...

Bruce: Oh Tony...

Steve: Im so sorry...

Bucky: Im sorry Tony

Y/N: Im on my way.

Sam: Damn.

Steve: Sam.

Nat: Shush. Both of you.

Tony: Y/N can you bring food?

Y/N: already on it.

Thor: I can bring poptarts.

Loki: Brother, this isnt the time.

Thor: Oh. Sorry.

Clint: I can come over too?

Tony: No. I dont want to be crowded. Y/N is enough.

Y/N: wow.

Bucky: what?

Y/N: that was the first time someones said that about me.

Bucky: oof.

Y/N: oof indeed. Will be there in 5 Tony.

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