Time Travel?!

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Five years after the snap, you had a home with Tony. On a lake, in the woods somewhere quant. You had a daughter, Morgan Stark, who was the sweetest little thing on Earth. Tony had essentially given up the idea of fixing what had been done. That is, until we had a few welcomed, but unexpected visitors. I was inside the kitchen, making some sandwiches for Morgan, Tony, and myself when a car pulled into our driveway. Steve, Scott, and Nat all get out. I decide not to interrupt when Tony sends Morgan inside. Although, I do watch closely through a window with Morgan on my hip.

Morgan: Is daddy in trouble?

Y/N: I think so... You should go save him!

I set Morgan down and she runs outside and into my husbands lap. The three you used to call good friends soon left, and in walkes Tony with our daughter, to eat our lunch. I can tell hes thinking a lot, but I decide not to prod. He goes to the garage to work and I dont ask him when he is gonna be back, because I know what he is doing. I know how sensitive he is about what happened. I know he blames himself, as we all do. I was lucky. I didnt lose the one I love. But so many did. Tony lost Peter, who he loved like a son, and he also lost a greater portion of our team... Since then Tony made me a new suit for emergencies, called "Lifeline", although I have given up the hero life for our daughter. With half of the population gone, there really isnt any crime. Everyone is in to much shock to function normally. Soon it becomes nightfall, and its Tonys night to put Morgan to bed. He comes out of her room about 15 minutes later with a smile on his face.

Tony: She loves me 3000. Your on a lower note of 900-1200. But that doesnt matter.

I laugh as he starts asking about what I am reading, even though I know full well he isnt really listening.

Y/N: Tony?

Tony: I figured it out.

Y/N: What?

Tony: Time travel. We could go back. We could go back and fix everything. But for some reason I feel like I should put it down. Let things be the way they are. I feel like I should lock it up in a box and throw it into the lake.

Y/N: But would you be able to rest, after?

He says nothing, which is answer enough. I kiss him gently and tell him how much I love him as he grab his keys and drives off quickly to the compound. I dont hear anything for almost a week, until my phone buzzes.

Tony: Y/N?

Y/N: Tony? Is everything okay?

Tony: Its ready. I want you to come.

Y/N: What about Morgan?

Tony: We'll only be gone a total of five seconds in normal time. She'll be okay.

Y/N: I dont know, Tony. What if something goes wrong and shes left all alone?

Tony: Happy! Happy can watch her!

Y/N: Yeah, I guess he could. Ill be there soon.

I hang up, and immediately call Happy.

Happy: Hello?

Y/N: Tonys figured it out. He knows how to fix it.

Happy: Okay?

Y/N: He wants me to come. Can you watch Morgan?

Happy: Ill be there in five minutes.

Y/N: Thank you.

Sure enough five minutes later, as if clock work, Happy shows up. He hugs me.

Happy: You'll do this. Good luck.

Y/N: Thank you.

I kiss Morgan goodbye, and run out to the garage where my suit is. I dust it off some and put it on, walking out of Tonys work space and flying quickly to the compound. I see everyone together, as a team. I walk up behind them while theyre staring at some photos of the stones.

Y/N: Staring at them wont get them back.

Everyone slightly jumps and turns around with shocked expressions.

Nat: Y/N.. We didnt know you were coming.

Tony: I wanted it to be a surprise.

I smile and nod, looking around and taking in all of my old friends. Hugging each of them as I greeted them.

Y/N: Hi everyone. Rhodey, Steve, Nat, B- Bruce what the hell?

Bruce: Oh yeah, we havent seen eachother in a while.

Y/N: You know what? I dont wanna know. Th- Well hello, hungry, hungry hippo. What the hell happened to you?

Thor: What are you talking about? Im fine.

Y/N: Sure you are...

I walk over to the blue girl and the raccoon.

Y/N: Rocket. Nebula. How have you guys been?

Rocket: Just trying to kill Thanos. You know, the usual.

Nebula: I am fine. What the raccoon said.

I nod and smile awkwardly as I walk to Tony and kiss him.

Y/N: So whats the plan?

Tony: This.

He holds up a red vial.

Tony: This is whats going to make all of this possible. You, Steve, Hulk, Scott, and I are all going back to 2012, to the attack on New York to get the scepter and the tesseract, Hulk is getting the time stone. Clint, Nat, Nebula, and Rhodes are going to another planet to get the soul and power stones. Thor and Rocket are going to get the reality stone.

Y/N: Sounds like an adventure.

We all get our new suits on, and get onto the supposed portal device that I have yet to see work.

Y/N: Is this gonna kill us all?

Steve: No-

Rocket: Probably.

I laugh and shake my head as Bruce runs up after starting the machine.

Tony: Ready everyone?

I push my button at the same time as Tony, and get sent flying through the device. Suddenly, im spit out in an alley in New York, and see aliens flying all around.

Y/N: I feel like I just got chewed up, and spit back out.

Tony: You okay?

Tony looks at me and makes sure im okay, before turning to Steve and making a plan.

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