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As Tony steps fully out of the ship you take a step foward. You almost don't believe its him.

Could I be hallucinating? I havent eaten more than a bite in five days...

You run to Tony and hug him tightly. You cry into his chest.

Tony: Hey, hey... Im okay. I'm here. Youre fine.

He runs his hand through your hair to calm you down. You pull away and kiss him passionately. When you pull back for air he takes a look at you.

Tony: Baby youve lost weight. Havent you been eating?

You just cling to his thin, starved body again and cry.

Steve: To answer your question, no. She hasnt been eating. I think she had a single fork full of spaghetti in total. She hasnt slept either. Shes also barely spoken at all. Its good to see you Tony.

You walk into the building with your weak fiance and drag him to the kitchen. His eyes are yellowed from lack of nutrition and his bones are sticking out everywhere. You prepare him a sandwich with all the works. He may be starving, but his body can only handle so much. You slide it to him as you make yourself one.

Tony: Why didnt you eat or sleep? Or even speak?

You look at him. Your voice is quiet from the lack of use.

Y/N: I thought you were dead...

Tony: So you starve yourself?

Y/N: It felt like my heart was ripped out of my chest... I couldnt bring myself to do anything. I would get nauseous whenever I would even smell food. All I could think was 'you couldve done more'.

Tony: Baby...

He pulls you to him as you take a bite of your sandwich. Bruce comes in and gives him an IV to help give him the proper nutrients quick enough without shocking his system.

Y/N: I saw the little note you left on my old suit...

Tony: Oh, yeah? I forgot about that.

Y/N: I also got the message. Thank you.

Tony: For what?

Y/N: For sending it. Even though it was technically a goodbye, you gave me hope.

Tony nods and bites into his sandwich and you take a sip of your water.

Tony: This sandwich is the best thing ive had in my mouth. Well...

He looks you up and down.

Tony: Almost.

You laugh while drinking and shoot it out of your nose. You fall to the ground laughing as Steve walks in and sees splattered water everywhere.

Steve: What just happened?

Tony laughs too but not as hard.

Tony: Uh just an inside joke

Steve looks at you curiously as you wipe your face and stand up.

Y/N: Oh my god... Never say that again...

Tony: Ha!

You grab a towel and wipe up your mess.

Y/N: Holy shit.

Tony: What?

Y/N: It was supposed to be tomorrow.

Tony: What wa- oh. Yeah...

Y/N: I canceled it. Because... Well. You know. But tomorrow was the day.

Tony: You know what... Why dont I look and see if I cant find someone that's a minister and see if they cant come in tomorrow. You can wear your dress, and Ill wear my tux. Although neither might fit properlly.

Y/N: No. You call one, we dress normally. And once we beat this, we can plan a wedding for looks. Deal?

Tony: Deal.

You sit beside your beloved and lay your head on his shoulder as you both eat.

Y/N: So... Peter and everyone else..?

Tony: Yeah... They got turned to dust...

You put the remaining half of your sandwich down and hug Tony fully. You know how much he cared about him.

Y/N: Im so sorry...

Tony: We'll get him back. When we win this. We will use the gauntlet and get him back.

Y/N: Yeah. We will. If its the last thing I do I'll make sure that boy lives his life fully.

Tony: I was thinking about putting him in my will. If i dont ever have kids. It would be you first, then him.

Y/N: That would be really sweet.

Rhodey walks in with Steve. He sees Tony and has disbelief in his eyes.

Rhodes: Where the hell have you been?

Tony stands and hugs his best friend.

Tony: oh ya know... Just floating through space with no sign of rescue.

Rhodes: Oh so you were slacking on the job... I see.

They share a couple of laughs until Rhodey's face goes straight. He pulls him into an unexpected hug.

Rhodes: I missed you, man. I thought we lost you.

You hear loud heels running up the hall and into the room. You turn to see Pepper running to Tony and embracing him tightly.

Pepper: Oh my god I thought you were dead. I saw you fly up towards that ship and never return. I thought for sure you died...

As much as you didn't like her, she was still the CEO of Stark industries. Tony just stands there dumbfounded and not even hugging her back. You clear your throat to get her to back off.

Pepper: Sorry. I know he's yours now... I was just very worried.

Y/N: I understand.

You even shock yourself at how calmly you responded. Tony looks at you like he just saw something that was believed to be extinct.

Pepper: I'm glad you're okay.

She kisses him on the cheek and walks out of the room, looking at you before she gets out of sight. You smile at her.

Rhodes: What just happened?

Tony: I don't even know.

Y/N: She just wanted to know if you were okay. After the Decimation she called me because she couldn't get ahold of you. She still cares about you as a friend.

You grab his hand and lean your head on his shoulder. Bruce walks in to check on Tony's IV.

Y/N: Hey Bruce?

Bruce: Yeah?

Y/N: This may be a dumb question but he would be able to sleep with this still going, right?

Bruce: Of course. It may run out though.

Y/N: We'll just take a nap on the couch then, that way you can check on it and do whatever you need to do. But we're going to go sleep.

Tony doesn't argue as you pull him by the hand to the large and comfortable couch in the living quarters of the compound. You grab a blanket as he lays down and you throw it over both of you as he pulls you into him.

Tony: I thought I was never gonna be able to hold my little spoon again...

Y/N: Here we go again with the whole little spoon thing. I love you.

Tony: I love you too, little spoon.

He squeezes you tighter and kisses the top of your head.

Thank you...

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