IRL - Bahamas Part 3

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You get to the ropes course and go inside as Tony is paying for everything the workers start harnessing you and a few others up. Once everyone has their harness' on and youve gone through the rules and basic info course you get to the first course. You have to climb a ladder to a wooden platform thats up in a tree and then tight rope across to the next platform. Even though you are this superhuman shapeshift super hero, you are terrified of heights. You let everyone go in front of you. Its just you and Tony up now. The others are continuing through the course having fun without looking back.

Tony: Are you okay?

Y/N: No...

Tony: Whats wrong?

Y/N: Im terrified of heights...

Tony: I didnt know that.

Y/N: I havent told anyone cause I dont want them to make fun of me...

Tony: Everyone is afraid of something.

Y/N: Yeah but something as common as heights? You know how brutal they can be sometimes.

Tony: Yeah... Well you know what? They said two could go at once on everything except the zip lines.

Y/N: Really?

Tony: Yeah. I can help you through it until you get a little more comfortable. If you want, of course.

You nod slightly

Y/N: Yeah... I think that would help a lot.

You and Tony climb up to the first platform and connect your harness' to the safety line. You cling to the tree.

Tony: Okay now grab my hands, and just look at me. You have really good balance and that will help. The shoes they gave us will help with grip. Walk on the arches of your feet it helps with balance.

You grab his hands and just look into his eyes. Somehow he is doing the line backwards.

Y/N: How are you doing that?!

Tony: What?

Y/N: You're going backwards!

Tony: I do this stuff quite a bit when I get bored. Its really good for training for my suits too.

You smile and just continue to focus on him. His eyes, hair, muscles. Just becoming completely distracted by him before he interupts your day dreaming.

Tony: Guess what?

Y/N: What?

Tony: We're already done with the first one.

Y/N: Wait what?!

You look around and see you are on the platform.

Y/N: Whoa... How did you do that?!

Tony: Distraction is key in fears.

Y/N: Youre a genius.

Tony: I am. Among other things.

Y/N: Genius, Playboy, Billionare, Philanthropist.

Tony gives you a confused but impressed look.

Y/N: I remember you listing them off to Steve back in 2012.

Tony: You remember that of all things from way back when? Weren't you just a SHIELD agent back then?

Y/N: Yeah. They didnt know about my abilities.

Tony: How did they not know?

Y/N: I didnt let them know. I didnt flaunt my powers like SOME people.

You say clearly teasing Tony

Y/N: Mr. I aM iRoN mAn

Tony: Hey now. Arent you the one that always tells me to be nice?

Y/N: You know I love you, ya goof.

Tony: I love you too, ya nerd. So up next is a zipline. We cant do this together, unfortunately. But I'm gonna let you go first so I can be here to encourage you.

Y/N: Okay. I'm not as scared now.

You hook your harness onto the zipline.

Tony: Do you want a count down?

Y/N: Uh... Sure.

Tony: Okay. 3...

Tony kisses your cheek.

Tony: 2... 1!

You push off of the platform and scream for a second and then stop as you see the view. Youre soaring about the tops of trees and you just see nature for miles around you. You reach the end and clip onto the safety line as Tony gets on and starts yelling. You laugh at how goofy he sounds.

Tony: OOOHHHHH FU*****!

You laugh as he slams into the padding on the tree. Suddenly you both hear a familiar hollar from far away.

Steve: LANGUAGE!!!!!!!!

You both laugh and you know you're going to have so much fun for the rest of this course. And throughout the entire trip.

((A/N - I was gonna do more of the rope course but this chapter was gonna be forever long if I did. I think the next chapter is gonna have a little bit of drama. We'll see 🤷. I have 7 new chapters that im planning out so expect to see those soon.))

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