Never A Break 2

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Tonys POV

I wake up to Peter shaking me and crying.

Tony: Pete? Whats wrong?

He seems to not be able to say it as he looks down and lets more tears fall. I look beside me and see Morgan holding my hand in her smaller ones, and next to her is a puddle of blood.

Tony: Peter, where is Y/N?

Peter: I couldnt keep them out of the room and away from them. Im so sorry dad. Im so sorry.

He lets out a sob and I stand up. Steve comes out and walks over to me quickly.

Steve: Shes lost a lot of blood. Her water also broke so Bruce is trying to stop the bleeding and deliver a child while she is unconscious.

I run to the hospital wing and see Bruce packing the bullet wounds to slow the bleeding while Clint is prepping her for something.

Tony: What happened?!

Bruce: Im guessing whoever that was shot into the closet Morgan and her were hiding in, and she used herself to shield Morgan. Luckily her body is holding on from her invincibility, but the baby is what im worried about.

He finishes packing the wounds, and rolls her onto her back before cutting her shirt off and coating her stomach in iodine.

Tony: Shes only seven months along!

Bruce: I know but her water broke. This baby is coming, and with her unconscious, this is the safest way. Id reccommend stepping out, Tony. You wont want to see this.

Clint escorts me out as Bruce begins the cesarean on Y/N, worrying me greatly. Y/N never let us test her, so we knew how far her invincibility would go. I sit beside Peter who is shaking uncontrollably, and I cuddle Morgan close to me on my lap. About two hours pass and Clint comes back out.

Clint: The baby is okay, its a boy. Tony? Can you come talk to me?

I nod and hand Morgan to Peter and follow Clint into the hall.

Tony: Whats going on?

Clint: As I said, the baby is okay. But Y/N... Her wounds arent healing like they usually do. She isnt showing signs of invincibility anymore.

Tony: Wha..? How could that be?

Clint: We dont know. Bruce is having FRIDAY run some tests to see what could be happening. Shes stable for now, though. You can come see her.

He leads me into the room and see Bruce smile at me sadly.

Tony: Any news?

Bruce: Not anything confirmed, but I have a feeling I know what it is.

Tony: Tell me.

Bruce: A while back, when she was sick? Remember how someone was injecting her with some kind of poison?

Tony: Yeah?

Bruce: Im thinking that poison may have counteracted her invincibility.

Tony: What? Is that even possible?

Bruce: I dont know. Thats what I'm having FRIDAY test. But it seems like the only possibility.

As I look to her with tears in my eyes, I see something I hadnt noticed before. Something she must have been hiding from me. Her neon green hair, had blonde roots sprouting. Her natural hair color was growing back in. I lift her eyelid slightly to see blue cracking in through the green, turning back to her normal color.

Tony: Holy shit...

I run to our shared bathroom and start digging through the cabinet, and find a box of neon green hair dye. I carry it back to Bruce.

Bruce: What is that?

Tony: She knew.

Bruce: What do you mean?

Tony: She knew whatever that stuff canceled out her invincibility. She knew, and she kept dyeing her hair so I wouldnt worry.

Bruces face gets extreme concerned painted all over it and I throw the box onto the counter and turn her over gently, seeing the three gunshot wounds all sewn up and bandaged.

Tony: You got the bullets out, right?

Bruce: Of course...

Tony: Bruce?

I see his face become pale.

Bruce: She had shrapnel in her chest from the explosion. It hadnt all worked its way out yet.

My heart starts beating fast as I run downstairs to my lab, and grab something I hadnt touched in a very long time. One of my spare arc reactors. I hid them away since I got the shrapnel removed, kept them for memories. I run back upstairs as quick and possible and hand it to Bruce, who understands what I am thinking immediately.

Tony: Until we get her stable, they wont be able to remove the shrapnel. This will have to work.

Bruce quickly preps her for surgery once again, as I go back into the waiting room. Four hours pass by when Bruce tiredly walks out into the waiting room and motions for me to follow. I walk into the room and see her with a big hunk of metal in her chest, just like I had once. I grab her hand, and shockingly feel her squeeze back as her eyes flutter open. She looks to me and smiles weakly.

Original POV

My eyes flutter open as I feel a familiar hand hold my own. I look and see Tony and smile, before feeling a stinging in my chest. I look down and see what looks like one of Tonys old arc reactors in my chest. I hear the heart monitor start going crazy, signalling that I am panicking. I look to Tony who holds my face with his hands and kisses my forehead in attempt to calm me down.

Y/N: Tony?

Tony: Why didnt you tell me that poison stopped your invincibility?

Y/N: so you wouldnt worry...

Tony: You shouldve told me. The shrapnel that you got wasnt able to move its way out before that poison happened. We need to get you stable before we can remove it.

I take a deep breath and nod. I rest a hand on my stomach before noticing how much smaller it is. I look down in shock and back up between Bruce and Tony.

Y/N: Is the baby okay?

Bruce: Yes. Hes beautiful. I'll go grab him for you.

He walks out to grab our new little baby boy.

Y/N: Boy? Hes a boy?

Tony nods and smiles and then bends down and kisses me.

Y/N: God I love you.

Tony: I love you so much.

I whince as Bruce places the baby onto my chest for me to hold.

Bruce: Youre in a lot of pain, arent you?

I nod weakly and sadly, as I fall in deep love with baby boy Stark.

Bruce: I'll grab you some pain meds, but first I need to know what you want to name him.

I look to Tony and he whispers something in my ear. I nod.

Y/N: Well Tony says Peter for a middle name, so how about Tony Peter Stark?

Tony looks at me in shock and Bruce smiles softly.

Tony: Tony?

Y/N: Mhmm. Not Anthony, so technically hes not a JR. But to us he is.

Tony kisses me passionately as Bruce administers my pain medication, and I fall asleep peacefully.

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