Voices In Your Head

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Your body running violently, headed towards the STARK tower. You will your body but it doesnt stop. You attempt to see if you can at least force yourself to speak. It only comes out as mumbles at first, sounds like you were talking with your mouth closed. The group seemed to have caught on.

Bruce: Y/N? Is that you?

Y/N: Mmm cmmamt commtrom mmy bmddy

Bruce: Im sorry im not able to understand You Y/N.

You get fed up.


You shock yourself at how clearly you said that. You were able to talk again.

Y/N: Bruce? Is that you?

Bruce: Yeah. I'm here.

Y/N: I can't control my body.. I-I cant...

Bruce: I know Y/N. Bucky has told us what he went through. Hes gone through the same things.

Y/N: Dont let me get to Tony. Please. Keep him safe. Send him to another country if you need to.

Bruce: I dont know where Tony is right now. I'll call him.

You pray to Asgard that he is somewhere safe.

Y/N: You all need to get somewhere safe. Not just Tony. He marked you all as threats. If whatever I am sees you, it'll attack.

Nat: We know. The tower is on total lockdown.

Suddenly you dont feel like youre moving anymore. You can't talk or move. Silence.

One day later

You wake up with a throbbing in your head. Youre back in the electric torture machine.

Y/N: W... What happened?

Dorgan: While we were following you we found out that you broke though enough to speak freely. We need to fix that.

They shock you for what feels like hours. Then they ask you questions again. Dorgan holds up various papers.

Dorgan: Who is this?

Y/N: Tony Stark.

Dorgan: Correct. Is Tony a Friend or Foe?

Without consent words slipped from your lips.

Y/N: Foe.

Dorgan: Good. Who is this?

Y/N: Steve Rogers.

Dorgan: Friend or Foe?

Y/N: Foe.

Dorgan: Good. Seems like it really worked this time, boys. Good work.

You feel confused at your own mind. Not only did you say these words. You believed them. Once again, Rico comes in and gives you a target.

Rico: You target today is James Buchanan Barnes. Do not kill. We need him.

Y/N: Yes sir.

You get up and grab a gun, hiding it in your pants, and run out the door. Once again you are headed to STARK tower but there isnt as much turmoil in your head. You know you should trust your friends... But you dont. If you could really trust them, they would have saved you by now. You remember the ear piece and feel to see if its still there. When you realize it is you growl.

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