Penny Dropped

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Tonys POV

Steve: She's THE Y/N?!

Bucky: She's the Y/N.

Tony: Can someone tell me whats going on please?!

Bucky: Y/N was... IS... The same age as Steve and I. She was kidnapped by HYDRA and expiremented on which is where her powers came from. They then put her on the ice until about 18 years ago.

I dont know how to respond. My wife is a century old. It doesnt change my feelings for her, but I just dont understand why she never told me.

Tony: Why didnt she just tell us?

Bucky: Because if she exposed her true self then HYDRA could potentially find her again. You know how corrupt SHIELD has been here recently. So she hid in plain sight. Worked for them without them even realizing it.

Steve: So how does that affect this situation?

Bucky: She wanted me to tell you guys had she ever gone missing with slight chances of finding her. She just wanted you guys to know her full truth.

I nod as I look out the window.

Tony: We are gonna find her. We have to.


I tinker with some broken objects as I try not to vomit everywhere. Wade is getting weaker and weaker by the second, but I am gonna try to make sure he makes it out of this. I attatch another wire from the battery from a big flashlight to a pair of large medical tweezers and watch as a string of lightning arcs between the two tongs.

Y/N: Wade... Come here.

He crawls to me weakly.

Wade: What?

Y/N: Turn around.

He does as I say and I mess with his collar until I find two weaker spots that would lead into the core mechanical parts.

Y/N: Get ready. Stay still, I only have one go at this.

I harshly stab the tweezers into the collar, sending a shock all the way through, and making it release from him. I laugh as I collapse onto the ground.

Y/N: Eighth time is the charm I guess.

Wade visibly regains his strength quickly and he laughs too.

Wade: Y/N! You did it!

He runs over and grabs the tweezers and steps towards me.

Wade: Okay, your turn.

Y/N: I already told you. I only had one go. The battery only had enough juice in it for one.

I point to the other thing I was working on. Wade grabs it and brings it to me.

Wade: What is it?

Y/N: I can send morse code over it. If any of my friends are listening theyll be able to hear it and possibly even track our location so they can get you and your girlfriend out.

Wade: And you.

Y/N: Im most likely gonna be dead by then, Wade.

I hit a switch on the device and start sending the signal. I tell Wade the exact pattern so if I can't continue at some point then he can do it.

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