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You walk down to Tonys lab to see him yet again asleep. You somehow manage to lift him onto a roller chair and wheel him back up to bed. Once you get him up there you pull his shoes off and cuddle up next to him, wrapping your arms around him. He starts sweating harshly and you know he is having another nightmare. You hold him tighter and whisper to him.

Y/N: Shhh... Its just a dream... Youre okay, love.. Im here.

Your ways never helped like they used to, though. After a night full of screams from nightmares, and no sleep on your end, you decide you need to figure out whats going on somehow. You find Steve in the training room.

Steve: Hey Y/N. Whats up?

Y/N: What happened while I was gone?

Steve: What do you mean?

Y/N: Steve, Tony isnt sleeping. And when he is, he is having constant nightmares. Hes been super closed off and living in his lab. I know something happened but he wont tell me.

Steve: He had a vision...

He punches the punching bag one last time and then looks at you.

Steve: He saw all of us. Including you. Dead. That wasnt even the worst part to him.

Y/N: The worst part was that he wasnt...

Steve: Yeah. Apparently in his vision I said something like, 'you couldve stopped this' and it really freaked him out. He knows something big is coming and and he is terrified. He needs to keep us all safe. Its not even about the whole world to Tony anymore. Its us. Its you.

Y/N: Oh Tony... Thank you Steve.

Steve: No problem. By the way. Are you okay? You look like you havent slept in days.

Y/N: Im fine. Just worried about him.

He nods to you as you walk out of the training room. You go to the kitchen and grab an energy drink.

FRIDAY: Y/N, I have to say... I am really concerned with your lack of sleep. And your intake of caffienated drinks. It really isnt heal-

Y/N: I know, FRIDAY. But I need to make sure Tony is okay.

You would never admit to anyone else that you havent slept in almost two weeks. Whenever Tony isnt in bed with you your insomnia kicks in, but you dont really care. You need to make sure your fiancé and soon to be husband is okay. Once you finish your drink you walk down to Tonys lab and just sit near him and watch him work.

Tony: Everything okay?

Y/N: Im not sure yet.

Tony: What do you mean?

Y/N: Im extremely worried about you, Tony.

He turns and looks at you for the first time since youve been in the room.

Tony: Why?

Y/N: Do you think I dont realize that you arent sleeping? That youve been super closed off? That youve been practically living in here?

Tony: I have to finish this.

Y/N: What is this?

You motion to the various things on his work table.

Tony: Protective shields. For all of us. Even you.

Y/N: Is this because of the vision you had?

Tony freezes.

Tony: How did you know about that?

Y/N: Steve told me. I was worried so I asked what happened while I was away. And dont you dare get mad at Steve. He didnt want to tell me.

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