IRL - Trouble in Paradise

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You hear loud knocking on your door at 3AM. Tony gets up to check who it is. You hear loud chatter and decide to get up to find out what was going on.

Y/N: Everything okay?

You see Sam standing there with a bottle of whiskey in his hand. He was very clearly drunk.

Sam: No everythhhhing is not okay

Sam slurs. He jabs his finger into Tonys chest.

Sam: YOU ssstole my girlllfriend

Tony sighs in frustration.

Tony: Who is your girlfriend?

Sam: Herrr

Sam points to you.

Y/N: Sam I am not your girlfriend.

Sam: But I wantedd you to beeee

Tony: Sam, youre drunk go to your room and sleep.

Sam: No you get away from me! Y-you hot grill thiefffff

You can tell Tony is getting very annoyed.

Y/N: Sam. Please go to your room.

Sam: Y-your gonna *burp* come with riiight?

Y/N: No Sam. I'm really tired. I need to sleep.

You text Steve discreetly hoping he is awake. You ask him to come get Sam. Sams eyes darken in hate. He starts reaching for something in his pocket.

Sam: You. Are. Coming. With. Me.

You get nervous but dont let it show. Tony runs and grabs something from the bedroom.

Y/N: No. I'm. Not. You should know by now that I dont follow orders, Sam.

Sam pulls out a gun and Tony comes out in one of his IronMan suits. Just then Steve runs up from behind Sam and knocks him out in one hit. You let out a breath you didnt know you were holding. Your eyes start tearing up.

Y/N: T-thank you Steve. So much.

Tony takes his armor off and follows you as you go sit on the couch to settle your nerves. Steve carries Sam to his room.

Tony: Are you okay?

Y/N: Im fine. Im just having a hard time computing what actually just happened.

Tony: Well apparently little Mr. Sam has a bit of a crush and somehow he knows about us.

You dont say anything. A single tear rolls down your cheek.

Tony: Hey... Whats wrong?

Y/N: I was so scared that he was gonna hurt you...

Tony: Me? He was pointing the gun directly at you.

Y/N: Ive stared down the barrel of a gun before, Tony. And I know you have too. I just dont want to be the reason that you get hurt.

You hear another knock on the door that practically makes you jump out of your skin. You shakily stand up with Tony right behind you and walk towards the door. You look through the peep hole and see Steve and you open the door.

Steve: Hey I just wanted to make sure you were okay. You looked pretty shaken up.

Y/N: I-I dont know. That kinda freaked me out.

You move out of the doorway to let him in and shut and lock the door behind him.

Steve: I understand. Having a friend turn on you like that can be terrifying. Im gonna try to keep a closer eye on him from now on.

Tony: I think that will be a good idea.

You walk and sit back down on the couch.

Y/N: Thanks Steve. Im pretty tired. You guys can chat if you want. Im headed to bed.

Steve: No im pretty tired too. Goodnight Y/N. You too Tony.

Tony & Y/N: Night.

Tony follows you into the bedroom and makes sure to hold you close in bed to make you feel protected and safe.


Youre running through the tower. You hear him chasing after you. You knew who it was even though you couldnt recongnize them.


You cry as you run into Buckys room hoping no one was inside. You ran into the bathroom and locked the door. You started climbing out of the window. Sam bangs on the door.


You stand on the ledge and scoot away from the window so he wouldnt be able to see you when he gets in. You shapeshift into a bird and fly up to the roof. There Tony is sipping a water.

Y/N: Tony! You have to get out of here! Sams gone mad! He's gonna kill us all if you dont!

Tony: What?!

Tony stands up and walks over to you. Just then you hear a dark laugh behind you.

Sam: You think you can protect her, Tony? Shes mine. All. Mine. Forever. And if I cant have her, neither can you.

Just then, almost in slow motion Sam pulls out a pistol and shoots at you. Tony jumps in front of it and it hits him right in his arc reactor. You scream and full on tackle Sam off of the roof, falling with him. You quickly turned into a bird and fly up to Tony. You turned back into your human self and crouched down beside him, crying.

Y/N: Tony? Come on Tony. How do I help you? How do I fix it?

He lets out a shaky breath.

Tony: I-i have a s-pare one in my lab.

Y/N: Fuck! Thats all the way in the basement!

You think for a moment.

Y/N: Vision! He can get it here quick!

You pull out your phone and call vision. He answers almost immediately.

Vision: Hello?

Y/N: Vision! Go down to Tonys lab and grab his spare arc reactor! Hes been shot! You need to hurry or the shrapnel will reach his heart! Please vision!

You finish your sentence barely able to breathe. You hold tonys head in your lap as vision hangs up presumably to get the part. Tony looks up at you.

Tony: Hey... Hey. Shhh. I cant think of anything more worth saving.

You cry harder.

Y/N: You should have let him him me. Come on vision hurry up!!!!!

Tony: Its okay Y/N... i love you...

Y/N: No dont say goodbye! No! No!

Tony closes his eyes and his breathing stops. Just then vision shows up and puts the piece in his chest after removing the broken one. He waits to see if it will help. No sign. He is gone. You scream.


Y/N screams in her sleep and I jump up. I realize shes having a nightmare and i get up and stradle her waist and put my hands on the sides of her face. Shes drenched in sweat.

Tony: Y/N... Y/N!!!

((A/N - Part 2 of this will be up soon))

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