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Light. Thats all i can see through my very squinted eyes.

Am I dead?

I close my eyes fully to let them readjust quicker and then open again, to see im in a room. Suddenly my hearing comes back.

Heart monitor.

Nope. Not dead. I sit up and wince. I look over to my arms to see burn scars. I stand up and grab the trolley that is holding my saline drip and heart monitor. Oddly, im in the room alone. I walk to the door, and open it slowly, before looking out. Im in the medical ward in the tower, only a few floors below living quarters. I shuffle to the elevator, and go up. I quietly shuffle to my room and put actual clothes on, being careful for my IV. I look in my mirror to see black scabs and harsh burn scars all on the right side of my face down to tips of my fingers. I get out to find everyone in the living room. No one is speaking, no one knows im there. They just seem to be enjoying eachothers company. I stand there in awe of my family until the wheel of the trolley squeaks, causing everyone to look over.

Tony: Y/N.

He gets up quickly and hugs me gently, scared of hurting me. I wince at the pain, but dont say anything. I would take the pain any day to be in his arms. Everyone else is standing now as Tony lets go of me. Peter is next to come up and run to me.

Peter: Thank you for not letting Mr. Stark do it. Thank you. I dont know what I wouldve done if I had lost him.

Y/N: Its okay, Peter. Thats what a marriage is for. Sacrifice.

Everyone else is standing in front of me now. I take a look around at all of my once lost friends. My eyes land on Buck.

Y/N: Buck.

Tears comes to my eyes as I limp into his arms and let a few silent tears fall.

Y/N: Never do that again.

He wraps his arms around me tightly after standing there momentarily shocked.

Bucky: I wont.

I let go of Buck and go to walk to Wanda as my knees collapse and I fall, Strange catching me.

Strange: Careful there.

Y/N: You... Was your vision of the one win, me stealing the stones from him?

Strange: Honestly?

I nod.

Strange: No. I had no clue you were gonna do that. In the one win I saw, Tony sacrificed himself.

Y/N: Tony... Wheres Morgan?

Tony smirks and pulls out his phone, most likely calling Happy.

Tony: Send her in, Happ.

Suddenly I hear a door open, and I look to see my little girl running full force at me. I crouch down and catch her in my arms and hold her tightly.

Morgan: You saved daddy!

I look up to him while still holding my baby. I remember how dark my life was before falling for him. In public I would always smile and appear as happy. But behind shut doors, it was silent tears. Constant silent tears. Darkness crowded my already full mind and usually gave me a pounding headache. Tony truly saved me.

Y/N: Daddy saved me.

After a couple minutes of sitting there with my baby girl in my arms, T'Challa, Okoye, amd Shuri all approach me. I painfully stand up and they dont say anything for a moment.

T'Challa: Y/N. You brought me and my sister Shuri back. We will forever be indebted to you.

The three get one knee in front of me, as if they are bowing. The others join them quickly.

Y/N: No, please. Get up. Any one of you wouldve done the same.

Strange: You saved us all, Y/N.

Sam: Not only did you bring the half of the population back, but he was gonna snap everyone else away too. You stopped him. And you stopped Tony. Thank you.

Everyone wraps me in a hug and silent tears of pain well in my eyes and i let out a slight whimper, quickly reminding everyone that half of my body is basically ash.

Steve: Sorry

I then remember Loki, and not seeing him.

Y/N: Thor... What about Loki?

Thor: Im not sure. Seeing as we killed Thanos before Thanos killed him, he could be out there somewhere. Im sure if hes out there that he will show up one day. Causing trouble, as always.

I hear shoes squeak behind me.

Loki: About that...

I turn around and see the god of mischief himself standing there.

I smile and limp over to him and hug him. This confuses him, but I hug him anyway. I let go and lead him to his brother.

Thor: Loki... I thought I had lost you.

It was Thors turn to pull Loki in for a hug.

I turn back to everyone else. Wanda is staring at the ground sadly.

Y/N: Tony? Can I talk to you for a moment?

He nods and walks away from the group with me.

Y/N: Where is vision?

Tony: He didnt come back he uh-

Y/N: No I know that. Where is he buried or whatever.

Tony: Why?

I just give him a knowing look as I look over to the case that I know is holding the mind stone. His eyes go wide as he understands my thoughts. He grabs my hand and walks back to the group.

Tony: We'll be back in a while.

I slyly grab the case holding the stone and leave with him, after removing my IV. We're gonna set this right. Tony makes a call to Doctor Cho.

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