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Its been a week since Tonys return. He has gained back most of his weight and is looking healthy again. You walk hand in hand with him to the conference room to figure out the new plan. You were in a lot of pain mentally and physically, but tried your best to not let it show.

Steve: We obviously need to get all of the lost back. That means we need to get that gauntlet.

Carol: Use the stones to undo his original snap?

Nat: Makes sense to me. Would it work?

Bruce: It should. The stones work together to do whatever the beholder wants.

Tony: If he even still has the gauntlet by the time we get to hum.

Y/N: Yeah, I mean... He did what he wanted. Who says he hasnt already destroyed all of them by now? What are we gonna do if thats the case?

Steve: We're gonna Avenge the fallen. Or die trying.

Everyone nods together, agreeing that this was the Endgame. If you couldnt get the others back then you were gonna make sure that Thanos felt the same pain you all had to.

Rocket: He wouldnt destroy the stones, though. Hes a lunatic, not an idiot.

Thor: The rabbit is right. He would never get rid of such high power.

Steve and Tony stark bickering, like always. You tune them out until you hear something unforgivable.

((I know this was from a different movie. I just think it fits here.))

Steve: You may not be a threat, Tony, but you definitely arent a hero.

Tony stands there clearly hurt by his words. You stand up and walk over to the super soldier quickly and slap him, instantly feeling pain shoot through your hand. You held it close to your body with your other hand. Steve just stood there in shock.

Y/N: How... Dare... You...

Tony: Y/-

Y/N: No. How dare you say that to him? How could you possibly on gods green earth ever say something like that to him?!

You get angrier and angrier as you talk and your hand throbs, slowly healing itself.

Y/N: This man fought for where he is. Ten years ago he was selling weapons of mass destruction to the enemy! But he realized that what he was doing was wrong, and he fixed the situation! He saves peoples lives every damn day and you have the nerve to say something like that?! Hes more of a hero than youll EVER be. At least what makes him who he is didnt come out of a bottle.

Everyone just stand around in shock as tears start streaming down your face. You scream at everyone else.

Y/N: Does anyone else have something to say about Tony?!

Everyone shakes their head no, so you turn to leave the room when Steve decides to speak up.

Steve: What dont we know? Why are you so upset?

You freeze at his words.

Y/N: What are you talking about?

Steve: What arent you telling us, Y/N? I can see that something is wrong.

How does he know?

You look at him as if you have no clue what he is talking about.

Steve: You know what I am talking about, Y/N, I know you do.

Y/N: I really dont.

Steve: Do I need to say it out for everyone to hear?

Y/N: I guess so.

Steve: You lost it didnt you?

You turn and face away from everyone. You didnt want to bring it to anyones attention. Something made you lose another baby. You realized yesterday and luckily caught it before Tony would know. You start crying harshly.

Bruce: Lost wha- oh...

Tony: Y/N?

You wipe your face and try to speak as normally as you possibly could.

Y/N: Yeah. I lost another one. It was probably for the best. I wouldnt be able to help in the battle with a baby. Not that it is any of your business.

Steve: Y/N im so sor-

Y/N: No. No you arent.

You turn around still fuming with anger.

Y/N: You know whos really sorry? Me. I'm so sorry, Tony, that I for whatever reason cant give you the children you want. Im so fucking sorry. I can't do anything right. I wish I coul-

You stop speaking. The words that were about to come out of your mouth scared you. Did you really want to die? You feel a hand touch your shoulder and fight or flight instinct kicked in, making you grab and flip the person over you. You see Thor laying on the ground in front of you, clearly in pain.

Y/N: T-thor m so sorry I-

You run out of the room and up to the roof like you always do when youre upset. You hear footsteps come up behind you as you breathe deeply.

Tony: Why didnt you tell me?

Y/N: I didnt want to make you more upset than you already have been.

Tony: But its supposed to be us till the end. We fight through our problems together.

Y/N: I know, I just needed some time to process it myself before I was able to tell you. Im sorry.

Tony hugs you as you hear another pair of steps walk up to the both of you.

Steve: Im really sorry. To the both of you. I shouldnt have said what I said.

Y/N: Come here capsicle

You pull him into a hug with both of you.

Thor: Is this what you midgardians call a "group hug"?

Bruce: Looks like it to me.

Everyone walks in and joins, squishing you and Tony in the middle.

Y/N: We need to work together, guys. We cant be enemies right now. We all need eachother. Now more than ever.

Tony: Im sorry Cap.

Steve: Im sorry too, Tony. Im sorry about the baby as well, Y/N.

Y/N: Yeah uh btw how did you know about that?

Steve: I may have had FRIDAY run a few tests on you while Tony was gone.

Y/N: You what? FRIDAY!

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