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With hundreds of images and memories flooding your head you get overwhelmed. You shake your head and close your eyes, trying to get them to stop.

Y/N: Stop!!! Please stop!!!

Clint walks in.

Clint: You fed up for the day?

Y/N: Yes... Please... Stop...

Clint turns the screen off.

Clint: How are you feeling?

Y/N: I have a headache.

Clint holds up papers.

Clint: Who is this?

Y/N: Steve Rogers.

Clint: Friend or foe?

Y/N: Foe... No. Friend? No! Foe! Fuck!

Clint: Get some rest. We start again in six hours.

You let your head slam onto the bed you are chained to. You know you could get out of the handcuffs, but not the room. You slide your hands free and sit up and hold your head in your hands as it throbs and mumble to yourself incoherently.

Tony's POV

Me, Vision, Nat, and Clint are all standing outside the double sided mirror thats in Y/N's room.

Vision: Shes in distress. Its almost like she is having to rewire her own mind.

Nat: Shes strong. She'll do it.

Tony: She already sounds more like herself... I wish I could see her.

Clint: We know, Tony. But its not safe. Im gonna head back in and show her a photo of you just to prove it to you.

Clint walks back in and Y/N sits up. Tears are streaming down her face.

Clint: Who is this?

Y/N: T-Tony Stark.

Clint: Friend or Foe?

Y/N grabs the picture and cries harder. She hugs it to herself.

Y/N: Did I hurt him? D-did I hurt-

I burst into the room.

Clint: Tony stay back. It could be a trick.

Y/N looks up at me and she starts crying even more.

Y/N: Im so sorry Tony. I didnt mean anything I said. I didnt mean any of it. I shouldnt have let them wipe me like that. I shouldve fought harder. I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry.

Y/N sobs but suddenly starts laughing. I step back towards the door.

Y/N: HaHahaha...

Clint: Y/N?

The next few moments was the scariest thing I have ever seen in my life. She looks up and screams with her eyes black and she cuts her own neck with an animal like claw. She then passes out. I get out of the room and run towards her bedroom. I see that our laundry got swapped over to the dryer but it still rests there. I pull it out and put it on her bed.

I put it beside her suitcase and notice something thats still in her suitcase. The black shirt she picked out for me. She took it. I picked it up and smelt it. It smelled just like my cologne. She must have stolen it so she could sleep with it. You throw the shirt over your shoulder and go to the bathroom and shower. Not putting the shirt on, but changing into something else. I walk back to her holding cell to see her neck bandaged and her awake again. Looking normal. I give the shirt to Clint and he gives me a questioning look.

Tony: Just bring it in to her, please.

He hesitantly listens and walks in and hands her the shirt and walks out. She smiles soflty and smells it. She looks at the mirror and directly at me. But I know she isnt looking at me, it just feels like it.

Y/N: Thank you...

She lays down and cuddles the shirt, almost instantly falling asleep.

Nat: How did you know that would help?

Tony: I didnt. I found it in her suitcase from the trip. She stole it from me, so I just thought... Maybe? You know?

Nat: Yeah. I get it.

Time skip 6 hours & Original POV

Clint: Wake up.

You wake up and sit up. You look at Clint.

Y/N: Hi

Clint holds up a paper without a word.

Y/N: Natasha Romanoff. Friend.

He holds up another.

Y/N: Bruce Banner. Friend. And dork.

Clint cracks a small smile and holds up one more paper.

Y/N: Tony Stark. Love of my life.

You look down at your hand and see his shirt. You bring it up to your nose and smell. Its smell relaxes you. You look at Clint and lunge at him, taking him off guard. You hug him.

Y/N: Thank you Clint...

He lets out a shakey breath. He thought you were attacking him.

Clint: No problem. Maybe we should try to go walk around?

Y/N: I would like that.

Clint: But first sign of anything and I'm knocking you out. Got it?

Y/N: Yep.

Clint opens the door and you look around. You instantly know where you want to go. You turn towards where yours and Tonys rooms are. You were still holding onto his shirt tightly. Once you reach Tonys room you knock softly. After a couple minutes of no answer you open the door and see no one inside. You pout and turn and go into your room. There you see Tony asleep on your bed. You laugh softly and lay next to him, curling up into his chest. The motion seems to have waken Tony up.

Tony: Y-Y/N? Is everything okay?

He looks up to Clint.

Tony: Whats going on?

Clint: She seems to be better for the most part. I asked if she wanted to go on a walk and this is where she walked to.

You grasp onto his shirt and pull yourself as close into him as possible. He wraps his arm around you.

Tony: You want me to walk with you?

You nod in his chest, taking in his fresh, natural scent.

Tony: Alright. Lets go.

He pulls you up and holds your hand as you three walk around the halls. Thats when you end up outside and you take your first breath of fresh air in what feels like forever. You run to the pool not caring about anything and jump in. As you swim up and reach the surface you laugh.

Y/N: That felt so good...

Tony: Welcome back Y/N.

Clint: Yeah. Welcome back.

You guys go back inside and you insist on staying in the cell for a few more days just to make sure.

((A/N - Hey guys! So this is the last bit of all of that, except for a few mentions of it here and there. This is the last actual story part of this drama. The next chapter will be once you already get out of the cell and are basically back to normal. Hope you enjoyed!))

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