Fallen Soldier

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Once it reaches Tonys job to get the tesseract, and he finally gets it in his hands, Hulk comes smashing through the door and knocking the briefcase out of his hands, knocking it open, the tesseract sliding out, and Loki grabbing it and using it to teleport away.

Y/N: Fucking great.

Steve and Tony bicker until I hear my husbands voice change in a way that makes me know that he had an idea, which makes me listen.

Tony: I know a place we could go to get the tesseract and more of this stuff.

Steve: Are you sure about this?

Tony: Its the only thing I can think of. Do you trust me?

Steve: I do.

Tony: Do you?

Y/N: Until the end.

I link my suit to Tonys and Steves as they set a new date and send us all flying, and getting spit back out outside of a military base. In 1970. Steve was already in the ice at this point, and Tony was just born, if at all. I was- well... We'll get to the later in the story.

I stick by Tonys side as Steve goes his seperate way to find more of the vials, we get to where the tesseract would be held and Tony gathers it quickly. We think we're in the clear until we see him. Howard Stark. Tony immediately gets nervous and shocked, and I do too honestly. I obviously never got to meet him. Eventually we get onto the elevator and he talks about how he is about to have a kid.

Y/N: Do you know the gender?

Howard: No. There isnt a really sound way to find out.

Y/N: Oh, right. Sorry, I dont know what I was thinking.

Howard: This kid isnt even born yet, and I already completely love them.

Y/N: You know what?

Howard: What?

Y/N: I think its gonna be a boy.

Howard: Oh yeah?

Y/N: Yep. And I know he'll be great. He'll make you proud.

He looks at me curiously for a moment, before looking in between me and Tony.

Howard: Do I know you guys?

Y/N: I dont believe so. My name is Y/N.

I have no reason to say a fake name. I never got to meet him.

Y/N: We have a daughter of our own.

Howard: Oh yeah?

Y/N: Yeah. Her name is Morgan. Shes five.

Tony: Shes the best.

Howard: You guys seem very lucky to have found each other.

Tony: I'm the lucky one. I don't know what I would do without her.

He wraps his arm around my waist as his unknowing father smiles at us both.

Howard: I hope my son or daughter find someone who loves them as much as both of you love each other.

Tony: I promise you they will. It might take a while, but someone will weasel their way into their heart.

Y/N: Have a good day, Mr. Stark.

He shakes both of our hands and walks to his car.

Howard: Jarvis. Lets go see my girl.

We start walking away and meet up with Steve.

Y/N: That's where you got Jarvis from, huh?

Tony: That's where. He was always so nice to me. He would give me lollipops when my dad wasn't around.

Y/N: That's sweet.

We finally run into Steve, re-synchronize our suits, and get sent through time once again. When we get back to the compound we all look around at our friends that also just got back. I immediately notice a missing person.

Y/N: Clint..?

Clint looks distraught, and completely crushed.

Bruce: Where is Nat?

Nebula: He has the Soul stone. A soul for a soul.

I sit down on the edge of the platform and let a few silent tears fall as Bruce leaves angrily, and Clint sobs.

Clint: It was supposed to be me... It was supposed to be me...

Everyone comforts Clint as I sneak away to be alone. Nat was the only other girl left, and her and I had grown quite close over these past five years. We tried so many times to think of different ways to fix what had happened. We confided into eachother how we both blame ourselves for what had happened. How if we fought harder. Made one different decision, that everything would be okay. Truth is, there was nothing we could do. Thanos was insistant, and stubborn. He was going to win one way or another. I get taken out of my thoughts as someone sits beside me on the roof.

Clint: So much has changed and yet you still go to the roof when youre upset.

Y/N: So do you.

I scoot closer to Clint and lay my head on his shoulder. He was always like the brother I never had. Tony never got jealous because he trusted me, and he knew how much Clint loved his wife.

Y/N: Im so sorry about your family, Clint... Hopefully we'll get them back.

Clint: Yeah. I hope so. Did you lose anyone? We never really got to catch up after it happened...

Y/N: Uh, no. I mean, Peter, but that was more Tonys loss. My family is all gone already. I barely even remember them. Otherwise, just the team. Wanda, Vision, T'Challa, Bucky, Sam, Peter, Strange... So much loss...

I let a few tears fall as Clint interlaces his fingers with mine.

Tony: I dont know if I should be jealous or just leave you two alone.

Y/N: Come here.

Tony comes and sits on my other side and I hold his hand too.

Y/N: We have the stones. We can bring everyone back.

Clint: Not Nat...

Y/N: Yeah... Not Nat. But she will be fighting right beside us. Whether we can see her or not.

We all sit for a little while longer before going back downstairs and seeing Bruce prepare one of the Iron Man suit gloves to be the new gauntlet. The stones all meld into the glove perfectly, and we all look around to eachother.

Thor: Ill do it. Im obviously the strongest Avenger.

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