IRL - New Mission Part 2

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You slide your wrist back into the handcuffs and change them to normal size as a guard walks up to you. You look to see Tony fumbling with something in his hand so you are going to try to keep the attention on you as much as possible.

Guard: My name is Bill. Aren't you a pretty one?

The ugly guard, you now know as Bill slides his hand down your cheek. You hide how disgusted you are and make sure that he stays focused on you.

Y/N: I'm Y/N.

Bill: Yeah, I know. I'd shake your hand but you're locked up... Unless you want to go have some fun? Rico said we could do whatever we wanted to you as long as we don't kill ya...

Y/N: U-uh no I actually uh-

You stutter not knowing how to respond.

Y/N: I don't kn-

Bill: I'm sorry I don't believe you have an option. You are my prisoner.

Bill starts grabbing his handcuff keys and unlocking you. Tony looks at you with an extremely concerned look. You just nod at him to tell him you'll be okay.

Tony's POV

Y/N is trying to distract the guard while I get my suit to track me and get here.

Bill: ... You want to go have some fun? Rico said we could do whatever we wanted to you as long as we don't kill ya...

Y/N instantly looks scared.

Y/N: U-uh no I actually uh...I don't kn-

Bill: I'm sorry I don't believe you have an option. You are my prisoner.

I look at her with fear in my eyes. She nods at me to reassure me but I am praying my suit gets here quick. Bill is unlocking her cuffs quickly and as soon as he does Y/N changes into a Tiger and lunges at the guard. Bill is screaming as she bites his neck out. The other guards aim their guns at her as my suit flies through the window and distracts them. They instantly start shooting at it as Y/N changes back to human form and unlocks my handcuffs. The second my handcuffs are off my suit clings to me, and I jump in front of Y/N. Just then an arrow slices right through the chest of the guard I was aiming at. Clint.

Original POV

You see an arrow hit the guard Tony was about to shoot. Clint. You turn around and see Steve, Nat, Thor, Loki, Vision, Sam, and Wanda all rushing in ready to fight whoever needed to be fought. You run over to Wanda.

Y/N: Wheres Buck?

Wanda: Hidden somewhere.

Y/N: Good.

With that you started fighting. Right hook after right hook and sweeping plenty of guards feet out from underneath them, you finally reached Rico.

Rico: Well this is a problem, isn't it?

Steve: The only problem here, is that you kidnapped our friends.

Rico: And you didn't bring James.

Steve: We never will.

Rico: Oh captain... Its funny how far you have gone to protect your friend. But how much farther are you willing to go?

Just then someone puts you in a anti-power brace and puts a gun to your head while holding you in a headlock. You gasp causing everyone's attention to you.

Tony: What is that collar?

Rico: Just a special anti-power device. With that on she won't be able to change her form in any way.

The group looks around at one another.

Rico: Now, let me take her, and I will leave all of you, including James, alone. Deny my offer, and I will kill you all.

You look at your friends.

Y/N: Just go.

Clint: Y/N do you know what you're saying?!

Y/N: Its not worth it. Just go.

Tony lets his mask go up and you can see him crying.

Tony: What are you doing?

Y/N: Tony. I'll be okay. Please. Save yourselves. Go.

Rico: Listen to the smart lady. Go and live your lives.

Tony: I'm not gonna leave you Y/N.

Rico: Ohhhhh... Do I smell a romance?

Y/N: No. No romance here. Just a strong sense of family.

You lie to protect Tony. Thats all you have running through your head right now. Protect them.

Rico: Well if we're talking about family... Isn't someone missing from this group? Two people, actually...

Steve: What are you talking about?

Rico: That young boy... What is his name? Peter? And that man that can Hulk out? Bruce? Where are those two?

Nat: They are safe. Away from harms way.

Rico: Are you sure about that?

Two of Rico's guards walk up holding Peter and Bruce the same way as they are holding me. With the same braces on their necks.

Rico: These two, for her.

The entire group was clearly distraught at the choice at hand, looking between one another to see if anyone had any ideas. You look at Peter who you could tell had been here a while. He looked weak and hungry. Sadness filling his eyes. Bruce just looked annoyed that he couldn't hulk out and kill Rico.

Steve: How are we supposed to choose between our friends?!

Y/N: Dammit Steve just do it! Get Peter and Bruce to safety!

Nat: She's right...

Tony: What?! What are you saying?!

Nat gives Tony a knowing look.

Nat: Two lives for one. There's no math there. We'll do it.

Rico, being a man of his word shoves Peter and Bruce towards the group and unlocks their braces. The guard holding you walks you to Rico's side.

Rico: We're gonna have a lot of fun, you and me.

The guard injects you with something that knocked you out and you hear a hard slam of a heavy metal door before only seeing darkness.

((A/N - Gonna be a part 2 to this, obviously. Will the group leave you there, or will they come and save you? What will Rico do to you? Continue reading to find out.))

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