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You and Tony arrive back to the compound and you run your prizes to your room. He follows and closes the door behind him.

Tony: So how do you want to tell everyone?

Y/N: Well does anyone know?

Tony: Nope.

Y/N: Hmmm. Im not sure then. Maybe we should just see if they notice the ring?

Tony: Yeah that could work.

You both head out to the living room where everybody is hanging out. You sit beside eachother on the couch.

Steve: Have a good date?

Y/N: The best.

Bruce: Where did you guys go?

Tony: The carnival.

Bruce: Really? The carnival? Why?

Nat: Bruce I need you to be quiet before you end up in an ice cold bath again.

Bruce just nods. You laugh. Peter walks in.

Peter: Hey everyone

Y/N: Hey Peter!

Tony: Hey kid. What are you doing here?

Peter: Was in the neighborhood and wanted to say hi. Wait. Whats different.

Your eyes went big. Could his senses really feel the difference of the engagement?

Peter: Why is someone so extremely happy?

Everyone looks around and you do too just to not bring attention to yourself. Peter scans over everybody and stops at you and Tony.

Peter: What happened?

Tony: What are you talking about?

Peter: Something happened today. Spill.

Y/N: Nothing happened...

Wanda: I can sense it too. What happened?

Tony: Nothing happened!

Wanda: Fine ill just read your mind and find out myself.

Y/N: No! Okay! Ill tell you.

Tony gives you a look.

Y/N: Do you know... The muffin man?

Everybody but Steve catches on and rolls their eyes.

Steve: The muffin man?

Y/N: The muffin man.

Tony holds in laughter as I continue.

Steve: Ive heard of the muffin man before...

Y/N: Yeah... He lives on Drury lane?

Steve: Okay...

Y/N: Well this girl... Shes uh... Shes married to the muffin man.

Steve: The muf-

Wanda: You guys got engaged?!

You start laughing and lean against Tony. Everyones eyes watch you waiting for an answer. Tony holds up your left hand, showing the ring. They all start cheering.

Nat: Is that the Arc Reactor?

Y/N: Yeah. Isnt it gorgeous?!

Steve and the guys all congratulate Tony.

Clint: So why the arc reactor?

Y/N: When we were at the mall getting stuff for the trip, I chose the shirt that you saw, Clint. He asked why. And one of the reasons was because it showed the arc reactor through it.

Thor: That is it?

Tony: No. I asked her why anyone would want to see it. And she beautifully explained why and helped me see the beauty in this bit of metal in my chest...

Wanda: Thats awesome.

You lean your head on Tonys shoulder and smile.

Bruce: So you two are okay? After everything?

Y/N: Yeah. We're good.

Bucky: Wait what happened?

Tony: I dont think we should get into that.

Y/N: No its okay. Well...

Wanda: You don't have to say if you dont want.

Y/N: We found out that we were pregnant.

Steve: Well thats great!

You smile softly at Steve.

Peter: Wait... Why did you say "Were"?

You look up at him and your eyes start welling up in tears.

Peter: Oh...

Steve: Wait... You... You lost it?

You start crying harder and nod. Steve comes up and hugs you. And talks softly to you.

Steve: Im so sorry.

You clean yourself up after he lets go and sit back down with Tony.

Y/N: Its okay. It wasnt meant to be right now. Today was definitely an emotional roller coaster.

Tony: Yeah. I almost didn't ask today because of it all. But after thinking about it made it seem like it was actually the perfect time.

You close your eyes and lay your head on his shoulder.

Y/N: It was perfect!

Nat: Well congratulations guys!

Sam: We should have an engagement party.

Clint: Yeah! And a bachelors party!

Wanda: Ooh did i hear something about a bachelorrette party?

Y/N: Tony can have his party but im not really interested.

Tony: Im not really either. I get in trouble when I party.

Everyone laughs.

Y/N: The engagement party sounds fun though.

Tony nods and everyone celebrates.

Y/N: But whos gonna plan it because Tony is usually the one planning it.

Vision: Me and Wanda could do it.

Tony: That sounds good. I can trust you two.

Clint: Hey! I would throw a good party!

Tony: Im not exactly wanting strippers at the party. I want Peter to be able to come.

Y/N: And im just not really interested in seeing almost nude women.


Vision: How does this Saturday at 6 sound?

Y/N: Sounds fine to me.

Tony: Sounds great.

Peter heads home after a while of talking and hanging out. Tony makes Happy take him so he knows he gets there safe. Wanda and Vision continue to plan the upcoming party and everyone else heads to bed.

((A/N - Kind of a filler chapter. Sorry guys!))

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