I Still Need You

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Tonys POV

I look behind me as Bruce leaps up, freeing Y/N from the rod. Someone is flying towards me, and because of Y/N's warning I had enough to time brace myself for the impact. Even in doing so, this person sends me flying back and into the wall. I quickly recover and ready for the fight as all of my friends do the same. The unknown man flies toward Wanda, just for her brother, Pietro, to run in his super speed into the side of him, sending him through a wall into another room of the compound.


I wake up dangling lifeless in Bruce's arms. Hes running away from what seems to be the battle field.

Y/N: Bruce...

Bruce: You're to ill to fight, Y/N. Im getting you somewhere safe.

I dont have the energy to fight with him. Eventually we get into the middle of a forrest and he finds me a little burrow under a log.

Bruce: Looks abandoned. I'll be sending Bucky or someone out to check on you soon.

And with that he uses his hulk strength to leap probably completely out of the forrest. I lay there, drained of energy, under a log, cold, and tired. Eventually I let the darkness of sleep slip me away from the awful reality I was in.


I wake up to dark laughter. I open my eyes to see the man I'm assuming the voice belongs to.

Y/N: Why are you doing this?

???: Because you ruined my life, Y/N.

Y/N: I dont even know who you are...

???: I'm Clark.

My eyes widen in realization. Clark. He was in the same "troubled kids" home as me. They used the term troubled kids as a cover for kids with inhuman powers. They tortured us.

Y/N: Clark?! You got out?!

Clark: Barely. That only happened because of you! If you would have kept out of trouble I wouldnt have lost my home or my little brother! Its all your fault!

I wince at the memory.


I snapped. I actually snapped. I stand over the body of my torturer. Tears are streaming down my face, and I have no clue what to do. Another one of the workers here walks in, seeing what I did. They try to comprehend me, but I end up fighting him off too. He gets away enough to push for the alarm, which will blow the building if not turned off in five minutes. In a panicked rush I run out of the building. My body went into fight or flight mode and I didnt even think to warn or help the other children.


Y/N: Clark. You have to believe me. That day has haunted my dreams ever since it happened. I regret it everyday.

Clark: And im gonna make sure you regret it until the moment you take your last breath.

He holds up a red glowing device.

Clark: This is a miniature version of what blew the building that day. Just as strong, just as deadly... Should do the job just fine.

Clarks powers were weak, at least compared to mine. He didnt know of my new invincibility, but thats fine. He didnt need to know that right now. His power, though, is invisibility. You would think thats a pretty cool power, but when youre going against someone that has the ability to shapeshift it doesnt really work. Theres a reason they say dogs and cats can see "ghosts".

He throws the device into my little burrow and turns invisible. I change my eyes into catlike ones and watch him run away. I smirk watching him run for his life. That is until I see Bucky and Sam running towards me.

Y/N: NO BUCK!!!!


All I could hear was a high pitched ringing. I waited a long time before I finally came to. Dust was still floating around everywhere, trees resting beside me, and one crushing my leg.

Y/N: Bucky?! Sam?!

Something or someone lands beside me and I dont bother looking, I shrink my leg to get out from underneath the tree and crawl towards my two friends. I finally find Sam, still alive and breathing. His wings are burnt, like he used them as shields. I crawl over to Bucky and go to check on him when I feel a hand on my shoulder. It pulls me around to look at it.

Bruce: Y/N! What happened?!

Y/N: I'll tell you in a minute i need to make sure Bucky is okay!

Bruce: He is! I already checked. Sam shielded them both.

I nod and fall back onto the ground. Then i hear his voice again.

Clark: You thought one lowsy bomb was all? You were sorely mistaken.

The ground starts shaking around me. I can feel it cracking all around me as I feel myself fall into one of the cracks and hear someone yelling my name. I feel someone catch me and I look up to see its Tony.

Tony: Hold on...

Y/N: Tony... It might be time to let me go.

Tony: No.. No!

Y/N: I love you...

Tony: No! Dont say goodbye! I still need you!!!!

I start crying as I make the decision. The decision to sacrifice myself, if it meant no further harm to my family.

Y/N: Take care of Morgan. Tell her I love her.

Tony: Y/N. Stop.

Y/N: Im sorry.

I kick off of the cracked earth surrounding me, making him lose grip of me and he screams my name as I lose consciousness while falling to wherever this monster wanted me with the earth crumbling around me, almost burying me alive.

Tonys POV

Y/N kicks off of the earth around her, making my lose my grip, I frantically try to grab her again but fail. The earth collapses around her, burying her alive.

Tony: Y/N!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I sob and fall onto the ground. Bruce pulls me back as I try to dig with my hands to get to her.

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