4 Months

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Wade runs out of the room with a huge smile on his face.

Wade: Its a girl!

Everyone claps and cheers. He runs up and hugs me.

Y/N: Whoa, hello there.

Wade: Sorry im just so excited!

Y/N: Its fine.

I laugh

Y/N: Go be with your baby.

He smiles and runs back into the room.

Tony: Another little girl in this compound.

Peter comes walking up behind Tony with a smile.

Peter: Another girl? When are one of you gonna have a boy? I wanna be cool cousin or uncle Petey!

Tony laughs and side hugs Pete.

Tony: I dont know, P-

Y/N: Well...

They both look at me confused. I point to my stomach.

Y/N: This one might be a boy.

Peter: What one?

Tony: Youre joking.

I shake my head no. Tony leans in and asks quietly.

Tony: Y-youre pregnant?



Y/N: Welp

Steve: Youre really pregnant Y/N?

Everyone is around me now, and I mean everyone. Bruce, Steve, Bucky, Sam, Wade, Tony, Peter, Wanda, Pietro, Vision, etc, etc.

Morgan: Mommy? Youre pregnant?

I bend down to her height and grab her hand.

Y/N: Mhmm. Are you excited?

She smiles big and jumps onto me and hugs me, making everyone of us laugh.

Wade: Thats amazing, Y/N!

He hugs me too, before I turn to Tony who is standing there a little pale and shocked.

Y/N: Babe? You okay?

Tony: W-what? Yeah im fine it was just such a big shock.

Y/N: Trust me, it was for me too.

Tony: How far along?

Y/N: Four months.

Wade: Come and see our new baby, Y/N!

He drags me by the arm and laugh as I get pulled into the room where Vanessa and little baby girl Wilson is.

Y/N: Oh my gosh... Shes so cute.

Both Vanessa and Wade smile at me.

Vanessa: Y/N? Wade wants to ask you a question.

Y/N: Oh?

I turn to Wade who looks a little nervous.

Wade: Well... I- We were wondering if you would like to be the godmother?

Y/N: Wait, are you serious?

They both nod and smile.

Y/N: I would love to! What are you naming her?

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