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You wake up expecting to see your new fiancé next to you, but you dont. Tony isnt there. You pout and get up to go look for him. You look in the kitchen, living room, and even Bruce's lab. He was no where to be seen. Now that you think about it, you didnt see anyone. Before walking all the way down to his lab you decided to ask FRIDAY.



Y/N: Where is Tony? And everyone else?

FRIDAY: They were sent on a mission, Y/N.

Y/N: Without me..?

You wonder around the halls and lay on the couch, wrapping a blanket around you. You decide to text Tony.

Private chat with Tony

Y/N: Where is everyone?

Back to IRL

About ten seconds after you send the text, Tony calls you. You answer.

Y/N: Hello?

Tony: Y/N. I dont know whats happening. I think we got set up.

Y/N: What do you mean?

Tony: When we got sent on this mission we didnt even really know who sent it but we assumed it was Fury. There's no one where they sent us. And they specifically said we couldnt take you. You need to get somewhere safe just in case.

The alarm in the whols building goes off as FRIDAY starts speaking

FRIDAY: Security alert. Security alert.

Tony: Shit! Y/N! Hide! Go down to my lab and put on a suit if you need to! Ill be there soon!

Tonys POV

Y/N: Okay. Dont hang up. Im going down to your lab. Make sure FRIDAY wont tell anyone where I am, except for you, obviously.

Tony: Already done. I also have her locking all doors behind you so no one can follow you, at least without you knowing it. They will unlock for you, though.

Y/N: Does she know who is here?

Tony: She thinks theyre with HYDRA. We arent sure though.

Y/N: If this is HYDRAS plans then why didnt they tell you to leave Bucky behind, too?

Tony: Bucky got sent on a seperate mission this morning...

Y/N: Oh no. What if theyre gonna use him against me?! Theres no way I would win!!!

Tony: Well like I said. Go down and get into one of my suits if you need to. That way you can fly away.

Y/N: Well I can fly away without the suit, but not safely I guess. Im three floors away. Wait.

Y/N goes silent for a second but I can hear her still going down the stairs.

Tony: Y/N? Whats going on?

She whispers.

Y/N: Someones in the stairwell.

Tony: Run, Y/N! Once youre down there, grab an earpiece and leave your phone. They may be tracking you through it.

I hear her enter the lab and I hear the door shut and lock behind her.

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