IRL - Trouble In Paradise Part 2

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Back to original POV

You wake up to Tony screaming your name. You jump and see Tony on top of you. You realize what just happened and breathe quickly.

Tony: You were having a nightmare... Its okay... Youre okay. Youre safe.

Tony lays himself down beside you and holds you tight.

Tony: Want to talk about it?

Y/N: H-he killed you.

Tony: Who did?

Y/N: Sam did. He killed you. We were back home and he was chasing me through the tower and I went up to the roof and you were there and he went to shoot me and you jumped in the way...

You turn and bury your face into Tonys chest.

Y/N: Never do that again.

Tony laughs softly.

Tony: I wont have to. Ill keep you safe from anything. Besides i doubt one lowsy gun shot wound would kill me.

Y/N: He shot you directly in your arc reactor. The spare one was all the way down in you lab in the basement. I called vision to get it but he was to late...

Tony hugs you tighter. Just then the phone rings making you both jump. Tony answers it.

Tony: Hello? Okay. Thank you.

He puts the phone down.

Tony: Its time to wake up.

Y/N: Im so sorry I woke you up early.

Tony: Its totally okay.

You guys get up and shower and go downstairs to eat breakfast. About five minutes after you sat down to eat Sam walks in. You instantly stop eating and tense up. Tony notices and looks where you are looking. He rubs your back and whispers in your ear.

Tony: Its gonna be okay.

You dont move or say anything. You keep your eyes glued to Sam. He sits next to you and it makes you grind your teeth in anger. You stab your fork into the table violently, causing everybody to look at you.

Sam: Whats your problem?

You turn and glare at him.

Y/N: You are my problem, Samuel.

You stand up and start to walk away.

Sam: Must be on her period.

You stop dead in your tracks and clench your fists. You start to see red. You turn around to see everyone in shock that he just said that. Steve and Tony stand up and try to get you to calm down. You push them both out of the way. You walk up to sam and crouch to be eye level with him since hes sitting. He looks at you with fear in his eyes.

Y/N: Actually, Sam. Im not. But if you EVER come to my room completely drunk at 3AM and pull a gun out on me again, I will make sure you will know what pain is.

You say eerily calmly, practically spitting venom at him. He swallows hard as you stand up and turn, walking away. Everyone just sits there in shock. Theyve never seen you this angry before. Your slow walk pace turns into a jog before getting out of the hotel and sprinting away to somewhere private where you can turn into something that can fly so you can get as far away as you possibly can from him. You hear Tony and Steve calling your name. You couldnt stop. You knew if you did you would end up snapping and hurting someone.

Tonys POV

I watch as Y/N runs and then flies away. Ive never seen her so angry. I walk back inside to see everyone still sitting there in shock staring at the fork sticking straight up from the table. That was a side of her that none of us have seen before. Peter whispers to me.

Peter: Mr. Stark... I-is she okay? Did what she say really happen?

Tony: It did really happen. And im not sure.

Sam decides to pipe in and make everything worse.

Sam: I dont know what she is talking about. Shes clearly gone crazy. I told you all we shouldnt have let her in the group.

I take a deep breath.

Tony: It didnt happen? Really? You want to lie like that? You want to call Y/N crazy? You know what is crazy? Coming to someones room after drinking three fourths of a bottle of whiskey all by yourself, and exclaiming your love for someone. Thats crazy. And then when she says no when you ORDER HER to leave with you, you pull a gun out. THATS crazy.

Bruce: You really did that, Sam?

Sam: No I di-

Steve: Yes he did. I had to knock him out before he shot someone.

Wanda: Holy shit.

Sam stands up aggresively, knocking his chair over, and walks off to his room. I realize how tightly im holding onto my fork and let go of it, fighting the urge to follow him and beat the shit out of him. I hear a soft knock on the window behind me. Y/N is there asking if he is gone. I nod and she walks to the door and comes in and calmly but silently pulls her fork out of the table and eats her breakfast. I rest my hand on her leg to let her know im here while I eat the rest of my food. No one says a word until we are all finished and we talk about what the plans are for the day.


Clint: S-so what are the plans for today?

Thor: Yes, I was also wondering this.

Everyone looks at Tony.

Tony: I was thinking we could go snorkling?

You smile softly and nod

Y/N: That sounds fun.

Loki: Is snorkling when you swim underwater with breathing devices and look at fish?

Y/N: Yup. Its really fun. And gorgeous.

Everyone nods and goes to their rooms to get their swimsuits on and get ready for the day.

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