Never A Break

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I stand in the kitchen with a large 7 month pregnant belly, making lunch for my two kids Morgan and Peter, and my husband Tony, who is down in the lab.

Peter: Please let me help. You shouldnt be on your feet so much.

Y/N: Nope. Sit down and eat.

I slide the sandwich, carrots, and celery towards both Peter and Morgan before grabbing the other plate for Tony.

Y/N: Could you watch Morgan while I bring this to Tony?

Peter: Of course!

I walk to the elevator, and FRIDAY takes me exactly where I need to be, letting me out just beyond the doors of the lab. I press in my code and walk inside just to hear him blaring ACDC over the speakers as he taps his foot with the beat while he works on another suit. I wrap one arm around his waste and place the plate down in front of him with the other.

Tony: FRIDAY turn down the music.

FRIDAY does as she is asked and turns down the music drastically as he turns around and kisses me softly but passionately.

Tony: Hows my lady?

Y/N: Fine. How are you?

Tony: Annoyed at this suit, but I'm okay.

He looks at me closely and has a look of concern.

Tony: Babe, why do you look so tired?

Y/N: Because I am.

Tony: Why dont you go take a nap?

Y/N: Because I have children to look after.

Tony: Babe you know if you need a break at any time you could come down here and get me.

Y/N: I know. But youre working on something important to you. I dont want to stop you from that.

Tony: But youre seven months preg-

Tony gets caught off by a large bang a few floors above us. We look at eachother worried and say the same thing.

Y/N and Tony: Peter and Morgan.

We both run up stairs, Tony beating me as hes not pregnant. A few stairs down and I feel something like my water breaking.

Y/N: Its to soon.

I continue walking upstairs and making sure my two kids are okay. I hear Tony hollaring in the hall. I run over. Hes already in his suit and seemingly guarding a door.

Tony: Y/N! Get in this room with Morgan and Peter. Someone is in here.

I dont argue and run into the room and see Peter suiting up.

Y/N: What are you doing?

Peter: Im gonna make sure I can fight if someone gets in.

I nod in understanding as he pushes Morgan and I into the closet and closes the door, webbing it locked. I hear fighting outside of the room as I try to keep Morgan calm. She doesnt even seem to understand what is happening when she whispers at me to watch her.

Morgan: Mommy watch..

I see her change her hands into bear like paws. I gasp.

Y/N: Oh my gosh! Morgan! You can do it too!

She looks at me confused and I motion towards my hand.

Y/N: Watch.

I change my hand into the same thing as Morgan, and she squeals happily. We continue forming our hands into something as we hear something crash through the door, and Peter start fighting. I get a contraction and cover my mouth to try and stay quiet when I hear the window being shattered and bullets following. My heart drops at the new found silence. I cant hear Tony or Peter. All I can hear are heavy footsteps coming towards the closet. Whoever it is tries to open the doors, but because of Peters webbing, arent able to. I hear them cock their gun and my eyes go wide, understanding what they are about to do. I push morgan under me and hold onto her tightly as the gunshots start whizzing into the little closet, at least three hitting me in the back. I hear the person leave and Morgan whimper as everything starts going fuzzy.

Morgan: Mommy? Are you okay? Youre bleeding mommy! Mommy??? DADDY! PETER! HELP!

I almost faint as the momma bear in me awakens. I slowly and painfully turn towards the door and breathe through another contraction and kick the door so Morgan can at least get out. Once I finally have a hole big enough for her to get out, I turn and look to her crying face.

Morgan: Mommy youre bleeding.

Y/N: I know sweetheart, i know. Are you okay?

She nods and I hug her.

Y/N: I need you to help me, okay?

She nods.

Y/N: Can you change your whole self and not just your hand?

She nods again, and switches herself into a little bunny before switching back.

Y/N: Okay, good. Do you know what a little mousey looks like?

Morgan: Mhmm. Ive seen them at the pet store.

Y/N: Good. Im gonna change into one, and I need you too, as well. I need you to stay close to me and if I tell you to run then you need to run. Got it?

Morgan: Got it.

We both switch into little mice and sneak out slowly to try to find Tony or Peter. Once we get out into the living room I see Tony laying unconscious but still breathing. I crawl right beside him and am about to change back into human form when I hear glass crunch behind me. I turn quickly and get in front of Morgan to see Peter with a bruised and bloody face.

Peter: Y/N?! Morgan?! Mom?! Morgan?! Holy shit, dad!!

I have to faze over the fact that he just called me mom for the first time, and change back into a human and Morgan does too. I lean against the bar that Tony is also against, partially to relax while I have a contraction, but also to hide the gunshot wounds.

Peter: Mom! Mom! Are you okay?! Morgan are you okay?!

Morgan runs and hugs Peter as Bruce, Clint, Steve, Pietro, and Wanda run in.

Clint: What the hell happened?

Peter walks over to Clint with Morgan in his arms and explains everything to him. Bruce runs up beside Tony to check on him, and once he realizes hes okay, I pull him over to me and whisper to him.

Y/N: My water broke.

He nods and puts his hand on the small of my back to try to help me up, and feels thick warm fluid and looks at his hand. He looks at me shocked, realizing its blood. He rolls me over slightly and sees the bullet wounds.

Bruce: Steve! Help me!

I feel myself get picked up by Steve and him start jogging to the hospital wing as I fall unconscious in his arms, only thinking of my baby and Tony.

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