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I give Tony and Peter a while to talk and go into our bedroom and call our lawyer Bill.

Bill: Hey, Y/N! How are you?

His excitement over the phone makes me roll my eyes. Gosh, we pay this man to much.

Y/N: Hey, Bill. Im good. I need you to start work on adoption papers for Peter Parker.

Bill: Okay, whos adopting him?

Y/N: Tony and I.

Bill: Wait, what? Seriously?

Y/N: Yeah thats why Im calling you to get started on it?

Bill: Oh, yeah... That makes sense. Ill get started on it right now.

Y/N: Thank you, Bill.

By the time we hangup Tony walks inside the room and sits beside me.

Tony: You just get off the phone with Bill?

Y/N: Yup. Hes getting started with it right now. How is Peter?

Tony: Crushed to say the least. Hes convinced he is a curse.

Y/N: What? Why?

Tony: Because everyone he cares about has died...

Y/N: Jeez...

Peter walks in with a tear stained face.

Peter: Sorry, I was just wondering if I could talk to Y/N...

Y/N: Of course.

I stand up and follow Peter to his room and sit on his desk chair.

Peter: Do you remember your family?

Y/N: What?

Peter: Bucky told Steve and Tony that you were put on the ice by Hydra like Bucky was. Do you remember your family?

Y/N: Um... I remember small things. Like things I could do to make my mom laugh. How my mom would play with my hair when I would get a headache and my headache would dissapear.

Peter: What about your dad?

Y/N: Well... I remember a lot less about my father than my mom. He was a drunk, and abusive. My mom, sister, and I had to move away from him. Didnt see him much after that.

Peter: You had a sister?

Y/N: Yeah... We didnt get along very well. She was a hard headed asshole to me most of the time. Never wanted to have fun with me. Never played any games with me. Just kind of... Iced me out. She had a fear of losing those she loved, so she blocked everyone out...

Peter: Wow...

Y/N: What else do you want to know?

Peter: What about the rest of your family? Grandparents?

Y/N: My grandfather was a war vet. Served 2 years in the navy and 20 in the airforce. He was a nurse. My grandmother was a religion head. Believed whatever the pastor told her. Even if it was fundementally wrong... She was ridiculously judgemental and rude 99% of the time.

Peter: Your grandfather served 22 years in the military?

Y/N: Mhmm. He passed before I got kidnapped. Fell and hit his head, got a brain bleed... Died a month later.

Peter: Wow... Do you think your sister may still be out there somewhere?

Y/N: She might be. Although, she'd be around Steves real age.

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