A Win

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Tony: Doctor Cho has Vision. Shes been testing on him. She's kept him in good condition.

Y/N: How far out are we?

Tony: Only a few minutes. She relocated to Wakanda to take advantage of their technology. They are far more advanced than us.

Just as I was about to respond, I see the forcefield around Wakanda dissapear just enough to allow us inside.

Y/N: Whoa...

I watch in wonder as the world drastically changes from forest to civilization.

Tony: Youve been here before. Why are you so amazed by this?

Y/N: We'll technically, last time I came I wasnt brought here like this. I was teleported, not brought here by quinjet. Either way, even if I had been brought here by the same thing, I believe I'd still react the same way. This is truly beautiful.

Tony: How do you do that?

Y/N: Do what?

Tony: You see such beauty in the world no matter how many times you see it.

Y/N: Because it truly is beautiful. Its really gorgeous.

Tony smiles to himself as he lands the jet. We are greeted by Okoye and Shuri.

Shuri: Welcome back. I take it you both are here for Doctor Cho?

Y/N: Indeed. We believe we can bring Vision back.

Shuri: How do you believe you could do that? We dont have the stone.

I raise the case in my hand up.

Y/N: We do. We'll reattatch it if we can, then you can do your trick to remove it and keep him alive at the same time. Then we take the stone back where it belongs.

We are brought to a room where Doctor Cho is, who is taken a last few vials for testing.

Cho: Hello Tony. Y/N.

Y/N: Hello. Is he ready?

I look upon the body of my once friend. Grey, and colorless, like it never once had life in it. Although, the skin nearest to the stone almost shimmers as it once did. Almost like it could sense it. Seeing this I drown out everyone else and put the case on the table beside his body, i pull the stone out and as if it needs it, the stone rises out of my hand and floats to his body, to his forehead, and attatches to him. The power instantly coursing through him, color coming to his body once again. Soon, his eyes open.

Vision: What happened? Where am I? Is Wanda okay?

Tony laughs.

Tony: Wandas fine. Well we lost, she got dusted, then we fought again, brought her back, and won. That was almost six years ago now.

Vision: How am I here?

Tony: Y/N thought of it. You werent fully human, and Doctor Cho did a great job at preserving you. We brought the stone back. Now, we just have to let Shuri remove that thing properly, and you will be free of it. Then we can bring you back and surprise your very sad girlfriend.

Shuri then comes in and begins her work.

Y/N: How long do you believe this will take?

Shuri: Should be an hour or two. Not incredibly long.

Y/N: Sounds good. Tony and I are gonna go do one more thing. You know how to contact us if you need us.

I drag Tony to a private room and lock the doors.

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