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I don't count this as angst because it's really technically not but it's going to be interesting to see reactions >:3

Original Title: "Grian" it bugged me beyond belief how lame that title was, so I changed it. If it sends out a notification to everyone, sorry!!!! ><


The pressure of the cable connected to the back of his neck disappeared and he immediately started his usual startup procedure. He found that the codes running through his mind before he really woke up was much smoother- but also more complicated than he remembered... even if that wasn't much more than a feeling since he wasn't technically conscious yet.

"You alright there?"

He slowly sat up before releasing a breath. He felt so loose? He had never been able to do that before.

"How do you feel?"

"...Loose. Flimsy," his voice was soft, barely a whisper- how? He had always only had one tone.

"Yeah, welcome to your muscles actually communicating with your brain. Amazing how then human body is when you're actually functioning. Now get up, I'll teach you the basics. You have a lot to learn before you can completely your half of the deal. I hope that three weeks straight of completely rewriting your shoddy code was worth it."

NPC Grian's eyes finally focussed to see the person he had made the deal with for this to be possible. Glancing down, seeing his body laying on the bed, then seeing his savior sitting looking bored in his rolling chair.

He held up a hand and wiggled his fingers. He had never had this type of maneuverability- it was strange. It was foreign. It was a miracle.

NPC Grian grinned.

Objective set.


Grian was sitting in the cool shade of the Sahara storefront. They had recently installed a noteblock loop playing some soothing music and tables and chairs and a café in the previously-empty space up top, and the mass amounts of white concrete and large windows kept the inside of the building cool in the rising summer heat.

Grian didn't have much to do today- the building of Sahara was done, his latest advertising campaign had been completed, his base was finished except for the spur-of-the-moment interior builds, and all of his friends and current collabs were offline. He decided for once to just take it slow and chill instead of be going, going, going with his chaotic energy.

He took a long, slow sip of his tea- really just heated water with crushed flowers and a couple of flavorings, but it was still good. He closed his eyes, content with the peaceful quiet that surrounded him.

But suddenly Grian got shivers down his back. His soft smile fell as his eyes snapped open and body froze. Nothing has changed, as far as he could tell, yet something felt wrong and all his half-developed survival instincts were on high alert.

"Hello?" Grian called out. He set his cup of tea down and rested his hand above his phone in case he needed to pull out a weapon from the virtual inventory.

The Sahara Café stayed silent.

Grian realized that it was too quiet- the noteblocks has stopped playing.

But the noteblocks were looped.

"Whoever's here, this isn't funny..." Grian called. He didn't want to look down and check the player list to see if one of the redstone pranksters were online. He slowly stood up, waiting for someone to make themselves known and announce that they got Grian good and then continue on with whatever they needed from the builder.

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