Higher Beings in the Multiverse (Notes)

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Me: reading HC fanfics on AO3
Fanfic:  Watchers
Brain: skfkslfklsfllakd— IDEAS


There's not just one "higher being" in the multiverse, in my writings at least. They exist, in various forms.

Most deities are worldly, pertaining to a single world (most often an isolated world but can be connected worlds as well). Some control a few worlds that they have taken over or share a similar belief. The multiverse is technically infinite, however empty worlds do not have any sort of guardians, to the knowledge of the mortal world.

The closest all-encompassing entities people treat as gods are Notch and Herobrine (yes I'm cliche but MC lore), who are opposite forces of preservation and destruction. It's undefined which represents which, and while the two are opposites, in lore they are not actively fighting in any way with each other. A mutual dislike, at most. The two created the multiverse and are said to be the patrons of players, although not many players actually know or follow this belief.

Lesser deities that go along with those two are Jeb, a demigod, said to have taken over watching over the world(s) from the two gods. Steve and Alex, siblings that are said to be the first "players" and are the children of one of the three aforementioned. There is also said to be a third (often female) god on par with Notch and Herobrine that represents a combination of the two powers- preservation and destruction make up creation. However there is not enough firm lore for this third entity to be considered.

A fairly well known entity that encompasses multiple worlds is the Vex. A fickle and unpredictable entity, it interferes just enough in its worlds to remind its people it is still there, watching and waiting, but rarely actually doing much. (Note that the Vex sometimes "favors" individuals for unknown reasons, such as Scar and Cub, and has a much stronger influence over them)

Now the actually interesting things I haven't touched before:
The Watchers are an unknown number of entities that watch their worlds. They cannot hear, but they can manipulate much of the physical world. They have been watching their worlds before they were even created, and true Watchers take thousands of years to form. They can select people that "belong" to one of their worlds to become a Watcher, influencing their lives more with the Watcher ideals. The more a mortal fall into the Watcher mindset the longer they live, and the more many of their senses are diluted until they become a full Watcher and they only rely on sight to exist and become fully indoctrinated. Watchers can mess with space and time, to an extent.

The Listeners are a directly opposing group to the Watchers. They are basically the same type of entity, except instead of sight they rely on hearing. Where the Watchers can see what they are doing, the Listeners listen to the wishes and consequences and their existence is to help the people. The Listeners are a much more underground group, instead of reigning above their world, disassociated, they live hidden within the worlds and operating from inside. The few times individuals from either group have been sighted provide evidence to say that Watchers and Listeners are of the same species and they pull new recruits from the same groups of mortals, but have developed their powers differently and are clearly no longer united.

The Observer is a single individual (the descendant of the first Observer) that comes from both Watcher and Listener training ancestry. Said to be originally chosen to be one and taken to be the other partway through, the Observer is neither Watcher nor Listener, and one day is supposed to unite the two factions of entities once more. There have been several cases of mortals undergoing this prophecy's requirements and completing neither training, dying or choosing not to before immortality, but no current Observer has yet to actually complete the prophecy itself.

Spawns are not any sort of higher being. They are people in worlds that randomly spawn into existence. They have no parent but the world. They often have a different mindset than normal people, being more introverted, shy, and curious with people and able to easily learn and survive on their own. Their existence is likely how worlds became populated, but there is no trigger to create one and no knowledge of how forces such as magic or players relates to their existence.

There are of course plenty of "local" gods for entities and deities that only have power in one world, and I don't think I should go into that XD


So clearly the Vex is there cause ConVex backstory, Watcher/Listener/Observer refers to Evo (although I haven't decided if Grian is actually the next Observer, just that he almost immediately dropped out of becoming a Watcher) and spawns are the first concept of something from my original stories that was based on this mechanic that evolved in those. But it makes sense I think?? Oh and Notch/Herobrine/Jeb/Steve/Alex, because as much as I think I could do better, I didn't want to stray from concepts everyone would be familiar with.

Sorry I've been dead, school started and I've been doing that and planning/starting one of my original stories. My motivation for this stuff kinda died with my previous ideas, and I don't think I'm going to finish most of my drafts. But I have a couple new ideas but they delve most into this multiverse stuff I've got going (and don't have a better term for yet) and away from some of the general server shenanigans.

I also realized I don't have backstories for NPCG and EX, and especially with EX not coming back from Xisuma's videos, I think I'll be updating that chapter in the near future for those two, unless I've done it already? XD

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