Hello Again, World (Xel Stories By Becca 3)

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I thought I posted this but apparently it was only on Google Docs for Molly to see???? Sorry about that

There's one more of these that I need to write for the Animal AU plot, and then I think I'll be done (unless enough people want more??) I'm aware that not everyone follows Animal AU and that this is about a technical fan character and I don't want to post too much of it because even though it's fun for ME to write, I know that's not what people read my book for. So just want to give a heads up.


Mumbo and Xel were crying from laughter at Mumbo's base. Xel had decided to reassure Sally he was fine (Grian hadn't been around) and had been told that everything was fine back in that world, so Xel had decided to come back the next day for a longer vacation, feeling that everyone from his home world needed more time to figure out "Xel."

"Hold on, hold on. She actually-"

"YES!" Xel wheezed, retelling the story of when Stress accidentally kidnapped Sally in the other world for her Treat-Your-Chick shop. "Somehow Stress still called her Sally!"

"That's so ironic!" Mumbo laughed. There was a genuine smile on both their faces, and Xel felt like this was the first time in years where he wasn't hiding behind a mask or lies at all, and it was great!

They stop laughed and Xel laid back in the soft grass Mumbo had in a small terraformed garden. The cubic style that he had gotten Scar to do in season 6 seemed to have stuck, because that was consistent in a lot of Mumbo's base, contrary to both their bases in Xel's world. The strawberry blonde sighed and closed his eyes, enjoying all of these little moments so much he wished the dreamlike state didn't have to end.

There was a slight "oof" as Mumbo presumably sat down beside him.

"You know, some of the fans have been really starting to question who you are," the mustached man commented. Xel grunted and opened one eye.


"Yeah. I mean, we know who you are- er, were-"

"Doesn't really matter," Xel chuckled at Mumbo's slight confusion, getting him to shrug it off as well.

"No, but seriously," Mumbo started, "to the fans, you just showed up one day. And you're obviously not a non-player, but you don't post content. There's a lot of theories going around, and some of them are really outrageous honestly," Mumbo laughed under his breath, "but some are scarily close."

Xel (regretfully) sat up. "What do you want to do about it?"

Mumbo frowned. "I mean... I don't know. You've been in so many collabs lately because everyone has wanted to spend time with you and catch up, but it's like... it's like the salmon ghost all over again!" he exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air.

"Did you guys ever find out who that was?" Xel asked curiously.

"Yes but that's irrelevant."

"So. Fans are curious. Weird theories and highly accurate theories. I'm sure Recap has had a few things to say about me showing up. What do we do about it? Make a video with like a big reveal or something?" Xel suggested.

Mumbo sputtered. "What? No! Yes? Maybe? Do you want to do that? I mean technically we don't have to do anything, I was just talking-"

Xel laughed again, getting Mumbo to shut up.

"I really don't care, to be honest. Might as well get it out of the way before I have to go home and disappear for a while. How many people will believe that before they knew me I found a way to time travel I have no idea, but I have proof!"

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