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I had a note here but I don't know why or what it meant so

Part two to "Chivalry"

Edit: I remembered what the note was for. For me to delete my first draft LOL OOPS IM SORRY ITS CORRECTED NOW


Cheering from the stands. A thundering of hooves, the clang of metal, the sounds of bodily action all sent Wels back. He basked in the spotlight of his title as reigning jousting champion in Stress's minigame while the other hermits either challenged him or spectated the tournament.

He squeezed the sides of his horse slightly, getting her to go into a quick trot.

"You want to go again, False?" Wels called to the heavy-breathing blonde. She glared at him silently, her competitive streak clearly showing as she flicked the leather reins on her horse to go back to the start position.

Wels shrugged and guided his horse back as well.

"Go False!" Grian yelled over the crowd.

"No, go Wels!" Doc rebutted, smirking devilishly as he clearly only yelled to provoke the strawberry blonde.

"Alright! Round three of Wels versus False! Final round!" Stress announced enthusiastically from her little announcing booth in the middle of the spectator's stand.  She waved her flag around a little before pausing and bringing it straight down, signaling the go for the competitors.

Wels gave a battlecry and snapped the reins, his mount surging forward. Riding on horseback was almost second nature for Wels- he had been dealing with them as a stableboy for his father and in his training to become a knight since he was a boy in his old world. He shifted his weight as he raised his trident lance above his head to keep his balance, staring down his fierce opponent as she grinned.

As he deftly thrust the trident forward, there was a surprised scream from the audience. Both horses whinnied and veered off course as a brilliant multi-shaded cerulean firework exploded in the stands. Scar was yelling as sternly as he could at something beneath his feet as Cub waved his hands, light blue sparkles dancing between his fingers. Iskall was rushing out of the stands with Mumbo ushering Grian in front of him, Tango standing in front of Zedaph and Cleo protectively while the otherworldly blonde man's wide eyes were glowing a faint violet.

"JELLIE!" Scar bellowed as his cat scamped away, kicking Scar's Lag-O-Matic crossbow down the bleachers with a firework in her mouth and setting off another trio of the overloaded rockets. The twang of a crossbow went off again and a trifecta of red-striped fireworks launched...

Right at the direction of Wels!

"Jump!" someone yelled, and Wels did. He bailed off his horse, rolling painfully in his weak suit of armor that was more for decoration than utility nowadays. Cub seemed to have released his summoned Vex magic to counter the fireworks but missed the moving projectiles. Zed reached out a fearful hand from behind Tango and found some type of pale lavender orb cast itself into the air while the fire demon had released a trio of fireballs to counter the rogue fireworks.

Wels froze as all the magics missed their targets and the fireworks exploded a ways away. The knight flinched from the shockwave that buffetted him and the spells crashed into him or the ground around him. He lost all sense of orientation as he heard himself cry out from somewhere outside his own body and knew he had been flung into the air. He heard his friends yelling and calling for an instant health potion-

...before it all went quiet.

Wels shook his head and blinked.

"What the heck?" he asked himself, trying to get his head to stop spinning. He started to get to his feet from a very uncomfortable cobblestone ground until he felt something sharp poke his back in one of the gaps in his armor.

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