NEW Tattoo AU Notes

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Most people wanted to see just the new tattoos and powers, so here we go!

I wish I could add pictures but Wattpad only allows for 20 pictures and there's more hermits and tattoos than that :/


Her tattoo is a marionette (those puppets controlled by strings) of herself over her heart. She has puppeteer powers, able to animate non-sentient beings (basically not humanoid) and objects with her mind and hand gestures. Makes for the ultimate armor stand manipulator!

Ice Queen!! She has snowflake bracelet tattoos around both wrists and has Elsa powers- ice manipulation.

She has a fairy like the ones from Legend of Zelda and can summon fairies for support or vexes to attack. She's not affiliated with the Vex but since Vexes are like evil fairies... the fairies give off a healing aura and will listen to her command, vexes give a strength aura and will listen to her first few commands and then ignore her until she dismisses them.

First has a golden flower like the one from Tangled his right palm and could create a beam of like like a flashlight. Was the first to develop a second tattoo, a purple eye on the back of the right hand that gave him visions that he cannot control.

He has a gold ingot and a Midas touch-like ability, but is controlled. He can't change things back from being gold though.

Has a summoning pentagon on his left palm, was changed from human to a (still pretty humanoid) demon. He can exert some control over Nether mobs and can control/is immune to fire.

He has a radioactive symbol and can cause something to go radioactive or stabilize it.

He was changed into a snake man during ORIGIN. He gained an improved sense of small and flexibility. He disappeared for a while to come to terms with this development.

Ren was changed from a human into a werewolf during the first ORIGIN. He gained enhanced hearing, smell, and endurance. He does not change forms during a full of new moon (which he's very glad about)

He has a dragon tattoo on his throat and can turn into a dragon. He can breathe fire in both forms.

He was changed from a human to a slime person (and is perfectly okay with this.) His tattoo is hard to see on his body, but it's a slimeball.

His tattoo was originally only a feather and he could speak and move super fast. Later it developed into a book and quill, and he gained a charm speak ability.

He has a trident and lightning bolt tattoo. Can summon storms and control electricity with more skill and ability than with a normal channeling trident.

Originally had a light blue potion tattoo that allowed him to apply almost any potion effect to people. Was corrupted and the potion turned black and a Vex face appeared. Now the only effects he can apply are harming and Withering when emotions get out of check. ORIGIN made it so that he did not Wither things constantly.

Originally had a wooden axe tattoo that gave him WorldEdit powers. Was corrupted to only the silhouette of the axe with a Vex face in the blade, and his new power is bringing individuals under the control of the Vex for a time. Any attempt to use his old powers causes him severe harm. ORIGIN lessened the severity of this damage and how influenced an individual falls under the Vex's control.

An Iskallium block (specific tattoo design is his emote from Discord/Twitch) and he can control things in a gel- or liquid-like state. Especially Jevin.

Has a power button tattoo and can place redstone on walls/ceilings and can power redstone with his hands, without need for a power source.

Was originally two very small wing tattoos on the inside of his wrists, but one morphed into an EVO symbol. The wing tattoos gave him a pair of large wings and the EVO symbol allows him to go into a spectator/creative-like status he calls "Watcher mode"

White/black halved mask of his and Evil Xisuma's, currently no longer present on him. He did have the powers of a minor god along with his admin powers, but since they were stolen he is powerless.

Evil Xisuma
Black/white halved mask of his and Xisuma's, opposite color orientation. Stole Xisuma's powers from him, is the currently godly being on the server


Can produce bubbles similar to Steven's in Steven Universe, but not pink

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