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Alright here we go! Wow I got a lot more questions than I thought I would thank you guys!!!! 💙

OHHHHHHH I REALLY hate this new Wattpad layout that if I swipe down wrong way it backs out of the chapter and I lose my progress. I've lost my answers for this THREE TIMES now!!!! Can I send a complaint to Wattpad or something? Or change the formatting? This layout is like, dangerous for mobile users.

Maddox_the_Galaxy asked: "Why did you start writing Hermitcraft stuff?"

Completely honest... I don't remember. I was new to Hermitcraft and searched it on Wattpad to see what was there, and found Fade's, Coal's, and Rae's books, and lots of other ones but those are the three that stuck out to me. Seeing that I wouldn't be the only one in this fandom I decided to make one just because? And then overnight my starter info chapter blew up! I couldn't believe it! So all in all I guess I just happened to see what ideas came to me and to share them.

Considering the first big thing I wrote was Tree of Life I guess that was a way to make an entrance into the pre-Hermittpad community XD

EnderIceSteve asked: "What are some stories you have planned? Or what do you have planned for the future of stories in general?"

Well, I won't reveal too much for my HC writings, but I guess I can spoil a little ;)

I'm kinda struggling with Tattoo AU, and a little with writing in general with everything going on if you catch my drift, so work on that has been slow. I've been having a blast helping Fade with her story "SHEEP" (which hi yes I'm addicted to even if no one knows the rest of the story or if it's slowly evolving to be not what anyone expects/ed) As for my works... I've been a little in a rut because any idea I come up with I can too easily compare to "Icarus" which I kinda consider my peak oneshot in all this XD So I scrap the idea cause it follows the same format and I don't want to just, rewrite Icarus with a different character. I do have an idea I like that features Xisuma, Void, memories, and will probably be similar to ToL in its chapter format so that I can get what I want that I couldn't get right when I was doing it in just a single chapter kinda like Icarus >:3

For that second part, I don't have anything planned for "the future of (my) stories." I have a feeling that for me to actually work on any original work like I once tried to, I'd have to get out of Hermitcraft first XD I do have a couple original stories and OCs that I'd live and die for, but alas I don't do self-inserts and all of it is confusing in my head so nothing gets done ;.;

ZYfireiceninja asked:"when are your Hermitcraft books coming out on Wattpad?"

I... don't understand what you mean by this? Sorry this isn't a good answer. This IS my Hermitcraft book? Tattoo AU is the only exception I've mentioned and that won't come out for a while still because I want to actually know what I'm doing and have several chapters written before I post it... if at all. I know I've been promising it forever, and I love the story, but it seems like the universe is working against me to write it :(

athena363636 asked: "How do you get inspired for a oneshot?" and Nightmare761 asked: "Where did you get inspired to write ToL and Tattoo AU?"

These in theory should be GREAT questions but in actuality I don't think I have a good answer for it. :/

All my ideas I think start in two ways: a "what if?" Question, or a single scene, and/or a combination of the two. Sometimes that "what if?" Question isn't phrased like that, but it follows the same thing. For Tree of Life... completely honest I had NO idea what I was doing throughout most of that. For both ToL and Tattoo AU I think the ideas originally come from Discord, and originally I only had the idea up until part 2 of ToL. But then I needed to figure out how to solve the problem and get to the right ending I wanted, which created parts 3-5 where I only had a very vague idea of what I wanted to do DXD Tattoo AU was similar, with the idea of hermits with magical tattoos being laid out there, and then I just kinda... wrote. I think the original prompt I have a screenshot of in the first part in this book? And then from there, for lack of a better term, I think my brain just kinda auto fills ideas to get to the next "scene" I had in mind- which are the main points of each chapter I've written, and typically the scenes that have the most visual or pack the most punch. Versus say, Icarus, where the entire idea came from "what if elytra break was kinda like Icarus flying too close to the sun?" And suddenly there was an entire 5k-word story flooding my brain XD 

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