Tattoo AU - Two Lies and a Truth

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Original note from May 2019: This will be the last part of Tattoo AU in this book! I will be creating a new book ONLY FOR Tattoo AU, and then will be going back and filling in some of the lore and story from before "The Misfits" because looking back, I feel like the deal with Xisuma and the Convex and some other things should be really fleshed our instead of mentioned in passing.

Current note September 2019: Holy heck Tattoo AU?! NGL I don't know that I will fully come back to this, it needs a lot of planning if I were to make this a full plot and not just some loosely-tied together oneshots. I actually legitimately forgot about this, so I guess that says something... but it's on my radar now and I'll think about what I want to do about this (series?) because I think it has potential, I just don't quite know what I want to do with it or how I want to go about it. I'm also really into the player multiverse stuff rn, so that's my bigger focus.


Grian stirred, digging back into the warm blankets that covered him.

Mmm dun wanna get up...

"Please, Grian, we've been asking you for like ten minutes now."

Grian pried one eye open and blinked while groaning.

"Who's there...? And why isn't it blinding waking up in my base?" The warm darkness pulled Grian back to sleep, but at the same time the lack of pristine white glare and the smell of ocean spray was enough to pull Grian from his slumber.

"You're not at your base, G."

Grian sat up, being surprised as his shoulder blades weighed differently than normal.

Right. Wings. Still have to get used to waking up with these in the morning now.

"There's only one person I know calls me G like that. Scar?"

The scarred man waved awkwardly while Cub had a deadpan expression. Grian slowly sat up, still feeling tired but becoming more and more aware as he woke up. He was at the ConCorp Country Club. Grian was laying in a light blue bed tucked into one of the alcoves of the main hall. It was incredibly comfortable and the strawberry blonde was almost regretful to wake up. Grian looked to the two in front of him, both seated in office chairs, Cub having a pouch on the side that was neatly filled with puzzle books while Scar had some pencils and paper scattered around on the floor. Scar was leaning forward with his eyebrows creased, but a shy smile still present. Cub was still watching Grian, studying him with a neutral gaze.

"Why... why am I here? Were you two watching me?" Grian asked. "Isn't that a little weird? Wait, wasn't I flying over the ocean before...?"

Scar grimaced awkwardly again and hissed, looking away to the floor. "I, uh... we may have pulled you out of the air to talk here...?"

"What the heck, guys?! You could have killed me!"

"We didn't though," Cub commented from the side. Grian and Scar both gave him a quick glare.

"I told you tranqing him was a bad idea," Scar growled. Cub shrugged, leaning over and giving Grian an uncomfortably intense look.

"Better to be safe than sorry."

"What does that mean, Cub?" Grian questioned. He was slightly hurt that his friends technically kidnapped him, and that suddenly they were suspicious of him...?

Scar sighed and leaned back, seeming to relent to something unspoken. With a quick nod to Cub, the scarred man closed his eyes and stayed quiet. Grian watched with wide eyes.

"Grian," Cub started, "I need you to answer me completely seriously."


"How did you get your tattoo?" Cub slightly waved to Grian's wrists, where his sleeves were slightly disheveled. Grian's eyes narrowed.

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