Tattoo AU - The Misfits

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I don't think this fully fits into the Tattoo AU timeline, but Molly has mentioned this idea several times and I like it too much XD Might write a bit more of Tattoo AU because all my drafts are tense/angsty and I really don't feel like doing that right now. Contrary to popular belief, my angst does have a limit.


Grian stepped out of the Nether portal onto dull green grass- healthy, but growing in a biome where grass is naturally yellowed.

In front of him was a beautiful building out of various concretes, the front lawn completely terraformed and decorated with mastery of an art.

"Hello? Anyone here to greet me?" The strawberry blonde called. No reply.

Where are those two?

While Grian was extremely close with the Architechs- Mumbo and Iskall- he still felt rather alone not having any sort of power. Their powers complemented each other- Mumbo could easily power redstone with a touch of his hand, and Iskall had an entire lab in the ice dedicated to researching more about his powers. All the hermits had their fantastic powers and there wasn't a day that has gone by that there hasn't been some exclamation in chat of people discovering new things about their powers from ORIGIN.

But Grian didn't have a power. He showed up a day after ORIGIN and missed out on the opportunity to really fit in there. Thankfully, he wasn't the only powerless hermit on the server, or he may have quit Hermitcraft so people would stop feeling sorry for him.

Up the steps of the Country Club and peeking into the main lobby. Grian looked around, searching for any sign of the exiled duo in the kitchen or recreation area. Finding their cake storage half-emptied but no sign of his secret friends, Grian sighed as he figured out where they probably were.

"Of COURSE they're down there... I swear, as soon as someone else discovers their spy room, they're going to be banned from the server," Grian walked down the stairs to the basement and let himself into the secret hallway that the Vex duo had builder for all their likely-illegal shenanigans.

"Yo, ConButts! Pay attention to your security system! I could have been Impulse about to blow you guys to smithereens with his fire charges!" Grian yelled playfully.

There was a large clang and muffled yelling from the end of the hall.

"Comfing, Grian!"

Grian laughed as Scar and Cub scrambled out of their meeting room, shoving the last slices of cake in their mouths and greeting him finally.

"Wow, such professional gang leaders," the Architech commented, leaning against the wall casually with humor painted across his face.

"Hey! That's NOT what we are!" Scar complained, although he and Cub were both smiling as well.

"At least it's not cultist," Cub stated with a shrug, the smile falling off of all three of their faces at mention of what the other hermits called the ConVex behind their back sometimes, among other names.

"I was only joking..." Grian mumbled. I don't EVER mean to be mean to these guys.

Scar elbowed Cub. "Wow, way to ruin the mood, Cub. Grian's come to visit! Let's go have some fun!" The man with the hat cheered. The scientist gave him and let out a chuckle while Grian's everlasting smile returned as he was glad that they could shrug that off easily. How the two members of ConCorp had been treated ever since ORIGIN was a heavy topic, and while it was discussed often (especially with Grian actually being one of the hermits to still talk to the duo) it tended to ruin the mood and was a good way to end a conversation and get Grian to leave to go think more.

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