Scar Bakes a Cake

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Heya everyone! 

Sorry that I've been gone for so, so long... I swear I've been working on Tattoo AU, I'm about 4-5 chapters in (it changes sometimes depending on what I add) but I want to really get into it before I post it

(I also need a cover but shhhhhh)

With absolutely insane times going on that no one ever expected, I have 2 (and probably more) weeks off school with little to no mandatory work! I'm going to try and get back into the groove of writing since before now school has kinda kicked my butt for any type of creative motivation. 

For now, this is a little drabble that I wrote based off of a prompt by giratinashelper from Discord! It was just a little blurb of "in these trying times, just imagine Scar baking a cake" and me, needing a quick escape, went ham with it XD it's not proofread and the tense is a little off, but yknow what it's comprehensible and here to hopefully make you smile :)


In these trying times, sometimes the best thing to do is to bake a cake.

Which is what Scar is trying to do. He's trying to surprise Cub, who normally does the baking when they get together. It turns out that Cub has a knack for baking, although Scar was the Jangler for a bit with his cookies... but that's not important.

The important thing here is that to take our minds off things, Scar is baking a cake.

Scar has always been a chocolate man. Cub has always been vanilla... or strawberry. Cub always makes tasty vanilla cakes, cream cheese icing, and swirls of red icing topped with strawberry slices on his cakes. They were heavenly, but they were Cub's cakes. And Scar is making his cake.

So into the mixing bowl went several spoonfuls of cocoa powder. Hopefully not too much, or the chocolate flavor might be too overwhelming. But Scar triple checked his recipe and carefully measured out each tablespoon. He was confident he had gotten the perfect amount!

Soon enough the cakes were in the oven to bake. Three hundred and fifty degrees for an hour. Right! Now, onto the best part: frosting!

Chocolate icing complemented vanilla cake, everyone knows that vanilla icing didn't go well with chocolate cake. Well, Scar supposed it could. He couldn't say that he had really tried it for himself. But differing opinions on whether you like chocolate or vanilla or the cake or the frosting better doesn't matter. He's trying to bake a cake to enjoy! Unless you don't like cake. In that case, then you don't have to eat it!

But since Scar decided not to use vanilla, his options in icing flavor are limited. Berry? Too tart. He wanted something sweet. Chorus fruit? That alien flavor was best left to only be eaten as popped. Carrot? ...carrot cakes have vanilla icing.

Scar shuffled through the pantry and grinned as he came across a jar of hazelnut spread. Perfect!

So into the mixing bowl went a large portion of their jar of hazelnut spread. He would find out where Cub got it (since Scar assumed that baking at ConCorp, these groceries were Cub's.) It would be worth it to make this cake, though.

A bit too much sugar and more hazelnut spread later (making extra frosting!) Scar had a bowl of icing he knew he had to keep his hands out of.

Then, an idea sprung into his head! Scar giggled as he summoned the magic that lay dormant in him and pinched his hand over the icing. Blue sparkles varying from cornflower to baby to sky blue fell into the frosting and when he stirred it, it shimmered with the taste of Vex magic! Scar was rather proud of this addition.

The timer went off, and out of the oven came the rich smell of the perfectly cooked chocolate cakes: no burn marks around the edge and sticking a toothpick into the center revealed a perfectly cooked inside.

Scar took a deep whiff of the heavenly smell before setting them down on cooling racks. He cut the tops off to get nice, flat planes of baked goods, and then grinned as he retrieved a spatula to spread the frosting.

He dumped a dollop of frosting onto the first layer of cake and smoothed it out. He wanted a thick center of the cake so there wasn't too much cake in one bite. He worried for a moment if it was too much frosting- before he rolled his eyes. No such thing as too much frosting! (Which was a lie, but a lie Scar decided to ignore.)

He stacked the second layer of cake onto the first, transforming it from two flat slabs to a single perfectly-sized cake. He spread icing on the sides, then the top- and realized it probably would have been better to do it the other way around. But it didn't matter. He had iced the cake, and now all he needed was to decorate!

Scar rummaged through Cub's pantry again and found a half-eaten package of Oreos. He chuckled at the realization he had found Cub's secret stash before crushing them up and sprinkling the crumbs onto the top of the cake.

Finally! Scar stepped back and admired his cake. Warm, chocolate cake, rich hazelnut frosting, tasty, crunchy Oreos, and a secret ingredient that was sure to make anyone who eats it tingle with mischief. It was perfect.

And just in time too, because only a couple seconds after Scar threw the Oreo package into the lava trashcan, Cub walked in!

And when they cut open the cake after it had been so tediously put together and took their first bites, both agreed that it was indeed delicious! While they devoured their slices (and maybe a second) both Scar's and Cub's problems, whatever they are, were forgotten for a while.

Because sometimes to get your mind off something, all you need to do is to follow a recipe and bake a cake, and then share it with a friend who you know will always be there to share it with you.

And then maybe get yelled at for using up his Oreos.

But it will be forgiven, because they were used on a really tasty, perfect cake.


Word count: 882

16 Mar. 2020

If you have any (reasonable, please nothing super weird or out of character) requests that I could do to warm up and get back into writing, hit me up and I wouldn't mind trying my hand at a few! 

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