I Like to Be Alone, But I Hate Being Lonely

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Going off my player backstories because I read something that made me feel lonely and reminded me of X's backstory so yeet we gonna have some bittersweet moments instead of the angst I keep writing.

X's backstory summary: orphan from an isolated world (a world without knowledge or connection to the normal multiverse) but has always been a player, able to respawn and was the admin of his world. Found the multiverse and started living there, never went back to his old world but never found out how he was a player and admin when he had been there as long as anyone there could remember.



What a weird name.

X didn't know how he got his name. People had always called him Xisuma, but he never knew how they knew that was his name. How they knew his username, when that was something only players knew of. They didn't even have the tech to view usernames.

Yet somehow, X had always been named Xisuma, and his username that he had found when he found outside worlds was "xisumavoid."

He rarely used that username nowadays. Normally he just used it when he needed to do admin work, and then he played normally like the rest of his friends under the username that was the exact same as his normal name.

X stared at the blank paper in front of him.

He was supposed to be writing a letter. To who, he didn't know. He just thought he'd write a letter. He saw some of the other hermits write letters sometimes- there was a special postbox at the post office for off-world deliveries that X went through every once in a while for the hermits whose friends and family didn't have access to modern technology. Most of the ones he sent off were from Scar, Ren, Grian, occasionally False, and Wels, although the knight's never had an actual world IP and address to send it to.

Maybe I'll write it to one of the hermits, X thought to himself. But who? He didn't feel close enough to any one person to write to them without it being awkward. X was always one to keep to himself- writing a letter seemed to be the opposite of that.

Maybe to Evil X, see how he's doing now that X had forced him to set his sights to other things than destroying Hermitcraft. X had wished his clone had been able to change, but he had given him chances and they were never taken and with the new season, X felt like he needed to do something to give Evil X a different viewpoint on life.

But that letter was sure to be awkward, and X hated that feeling. He liked to be in control, knowing what he was doing without stepping into dangerous territory. Writing Evil X might not happen for a while.

The quill tapped against his desk.




X thought back to what he had originally been thinking about- his username. His normal name. The name both given to him from people he didn't know and chosen by him to go by. X figured that he'd never send this letter.

So he might as well write it to people he'd never met.

Words flooded his mind. Things he'd never said, feelings he'd never felt. Things X knew should be natural, yet he was never able to express anywhere but in his mind.

Dear mom and dad,

My name is Xisuma. I got that from my username, xisumavoid, that was given me to me by... you, I suppose. I don't really know who gave me my username, but it's made me who I am in a way.
Here's a little about me.
-I'm the admin of the Hermitcraft server, a whitelisted server with some of the best technical players and most amazing people to ever exist. I've been here since day one, although not admin until season two, and we're now on season six.
-I've done a bit of world travelling, after I learned of the multiverse. Oh, I guess I should mention that I grew up in an isolated world. Yet somehow I was a player, and the admin of that world at that. Only person they had ever known who could come back from death.
-I really like music. It's so interesting to listen to the words and interpret their meanings, along with the notes and instruments and rhythm that going along with them. It's almost like hearing the End Poem, but not quite as... ethereal.

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