#1: TaeKook; Wish You Weren't You

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TaeKook One Shot


It was a rainy night. The clouds all covered up the sky and the stars aren't any visible to the eyes of anyone. It is fascinating how it still looked beautiful. For somebody who had a lot of things to do and finish, things to comply with, things to take care of, this night should be nothing and should be ignored. But for some reason, Taehyung did enjoy the weather tonight.

Taehyung could be considered as one of the busiest seniors of his batch. He's the teacher's pet without him trying to be. His professor in his Algebra class was so fond of him and she calls him all the time, telling him to collect some papers and bring it to her desk or to inform the class about something and such. He also works as an assistant student teacher for his Psychology professor. Most of his classmates rely on him with certain subjects. Like his research class, his groupmates are relying on him about their papers, soon to be passed later this week. And Taehyung, being Taehyung, just let them be and generously does all the work by himself for the sake of everyone's grades.

Even if you didn't know about all of these, you'd still know and notice how physically and mentally drained he is. His eyes had a big and dark circle under it. His lips are pale and would most likely be dry if he didn't put some moisturizer or would not pop his tongue out, which is his mannerism.

But even after all these things and noticeable physical features of him, he still looked good. At least, in the eyes of that one man, Jeon Jeongguk. The junior who never failed to make the latter smile. The boy who started following Taehyung ever since he was fifteen.

This boy is the most loyal man Taehyung had ever known. Ever since the boy was in high school, he would follow Taehyung around like a lost duckling who thinks that Taehyung is his parent. Taehyung never knew why would the younger do that but he thought that Jungkook is pretty cute so he would often treat him into some ice cream store after class. His reason? "He's cute so I think it's fine" He would even say that with a beaming smile on his face.

He's kind. Taehyung had seen him helping anyone in his neighborhood. The old women and men in their place always ask for some help and he happily complied. Even if they refuse to ask him out of shyness, he would still smile and offer a hand, would even insist on doing so. The girls and other young people also took advantage of his kindness, calling him every time he's free just to see him.

Shy at times. Jungkook might look like a big boy and a full-grown man, especially with those biceps, veiny hands, thunder thighs, and booming abs that everyone drooled over and desired to touch, even with the slightest touch of their fingertips. But he's still that shy boy. Taehyung has seen him blush over the slightest things. Like that one time when he came over Taehyung's apartment without notice, he went inside his apartment since he knew where the spare key was and just called for Taehyung. Apparently, Taehyung just got out of the bathroom with only a towel around his waist and dripping wet hair. Taehyung saw how he blushed like a tomato that day and laughed like it was a freaking funny thing.

He likes alcohol so much but couldn't handle himself when drunk, so Taehyung should always be there to take care of him in case of emergencies. Once, Jungkook was invited to a party by one of his college colleagues when he just turned legal. In the middle of the night, Taehyung just got a call from Jungkook's friends saying that the boy refused to go home, saying that no one could take him home except for Taehyung.

He's very handsome too, especially when he styles his hair in a different style rather than his usual coconut hair. He looks so stunning that girls and gays drool for him and are desperate to get his attention. But they never get to succeed for a reason that Taehyung couldn't understand.
Jungkook is not that good with studies but if he liked the subject, he would sure excel. He excelled in arts and sports, including his added photography class. Taehyung believed that the boy could do anything he would want to.

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