#79: YoonMin; Imperfections

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YoonMin One Shot


I don't like putting POV's so please try to understand 
who are talking in each. Hehe ^^ Boraehae~~]

"How's your therapy?" The young woman asked and Jimin blinked his eyes. "Hm..." he hummed softly. "Good... I guess" He said.

The soft waves of the curtains being softly blown by the cool breeze of the air outside and the soft sound of the same familiar piece he always plays are the only things I can remember. I don't even know what happened or if I really remember those two things or if I just saw it somewhere—like a movie that I have watched or one of my dreams. I am not actually sure and certain that it was from me (from my memories). But the thought that they might be really from my past, it mesmerizes me. For some reason, the thought that the song that I can't recognize and that I continuously hear was actually for me.

Just think about it... someone made a song for you and only you. The others might hear it but knowing that it is exclusively dedicated to you, it made me feel warm. Way too warm for me to even consider it as warm and a very drastic experience. How precious would it feel to have someone dedicate a melody for you?

"I wish I could hear it again..." He whispered unto the air as he stood on the side of the fields. It has been some months since I lost my sight and my memories from an accident and the only thing that keeps me standing was this stick. The stick of the blinds. Their best friend. And now, I am one of them.

"Uhh!" There was he... "uhh!"

A smile slowly crept into my lips as I followed the sound, guessing where would he be. "Yoongi?" I called out then cold hands went to touch my palm and fingers started to draw lines across them.

'It's me...'

I smiled and chuckled. "How was your day?" He's a friend... Someone I met in the hospital. I don't know how but he barged in, the moment I was losing everything. I was ready to give up but he became my light. He did...

He did become the light in my dark new world.

'Today was nice. I met with the doctor.' I nodded when he tapped the middle of my palm as a sign that I understand.

"What did he say?"

'My heart is doing good.' I chuckled and I once more heard his faint laugh. It doesn't sound like a laugh but at least, I knew he's smiling. He's a good man. Despite being mute and having a weak heart, he's strong. Very strong. I admire him for doing that.

Then I suddenly felt his fingers interlacing with mine. A rush of hot blood went into my face and I suddenly felt hot. I couldn't keep a smile for myself so I smiled widely. "W-what? Do your hands feel empty?" I joked and he squeezed my hand.

'wait'  He wrote on my palm again and so I nodded. Then he wrote something again after a while. 'smell'. I felt a flower against my nose and so I inhaled just like what he asked and it doesn't smell anything. But of course, anything about Yoongi was sweet. They're all sweet and I love it. I love him... That's normal with friends. Right?

"It's nice. What's that flower?" I asked.

'Spider mum.'  I smiled once more.

"Are they for me?"

'They mean truth. Because white. And pure. Like you.' I let out another chuckle. 'come' I felt him wrote and suddenly he's pulling me. I don't know where but since he's Yoongi, I would follow. Anywhere.

I heard a door opening a the warmth of his place enveloped me. He pulled me once more and guided me to sit down. The seat was nice. Not too soft but not hard as well. Then the next thing I heard was that. I thought my world stopped and the only thing playing was that melody and my heart that's beating faster.

My lips dropped down and I shivered and trembled. I felt my cheeks getting wet as I listened to it. That song. That was the song that I hear in my dreams. Those which I thought were part of my memories. I don't know anymore. I just then realized that I am facing a piano with Yoongi who's sitting beside me, playing that song from my dreams. Then I felt his fingers wiping the tears from my cheeks. I could not speak and just waited. My heart was beating so fast. Then I felt fingertips brushing across my cheeks, writing something.

'This is for you. Jimin, I love you.'

The next thing that Jimin knew was his own hands, traveling to this man's face. He tapped his way up and cupped his cheeks as well, feeling his damp cheek. He couldn't help but cry more. His head was starting to ache. It felt familiar. It is familiar. "Y-y-yoongi... M-min..." He stuttered as his heartfelt like breaking for some unknown reasons.

Jimin shivered when he felt the man's thumb across his lips and no other thinking was made. He leaned and connected their lips. No one moved at first, as if unsure, as if balancing the things that are happening. But Yoongi moved upon the squeeze that he felt from Jimin's hand. He moved slowly and it felt like home. It is his home. Jimin's lips moved along, as if it was the best thing to taste, like the best thing to be doing with a friend. Like it is something he would never ever regret.

'I love you. I love you'  Yoongi wanted to say and yell it out loud but he could not even whisper it to the person who's supposed to hear it. He wanted it so bad. Jimin, he's the one that keeps Yoongi from dying. Like he's the sun who support Yoongi. Like the water and the soil to a plant. Like the air. He's everything. Jimin is Yoongi's everything and he hated how he couldn't even say it. Then the strike of a head pain came across, leaving him in pain and agony and making the mute man panic.

He crunched down and tried to endure the pain on his head while Yoongi started to make noises out from his throat. "Uhhh! uhhhh!! ghaa! uhh!" He yelled out in worry as he hugged Jimin, unsure of what to do. "Hmmm... hmmm" he tried to calm the other down and when Jiimin did he worriedly looked at him.

"Y-You...." Jimin mumbled as he reached for Yoongi's cheeks again. "Y-Yoongi...." he called and his tears dropped once more, ignoring the slight pain in his head. "I-I remember now... Baby, I remember now!! Yoongi... My man. W-why did you not tell me!? Why didn't you... why--" He called and all Yoongi could do was let his tears fall out his eyes. He knew this day would come. The day that Jimin would remember. The day that they would collide once more.

"I love you, Yoongi... Baby, I... I'm so sorry I took so long before remembering you. Baby, I love you... I love you so much" He cried out and all Yoongi remembered was how they kissed for the rest of that day.

This is love. And love is this. Yoongi only felt it with Jimin and would never accept any other person's love unless they are Jimin, the man he promised to love forever no matter what happens.

That night was sweet and painful. They made love and Yoongi was proud to make Jimin happy. He saw how the younger smiled and loved the way he giggled between their wet kisses. He missed being the only man to make Jimin feel this way. He missed everything.

And Jimin missed a lot too. Including the way, Yoongi breathes that night. The way that the man wasn't so shy to let out his feelings. The way Yoongi made a big effort. He missed a lot.

And the next thing he was holding was the braille that Yoongi left for him and the Spider mum, that he just found out, also meant death.

Dear Jimin,

Remember when I told you that you will be my only one. I meant it even though I was laughing that day. I meant it. You are the only man who stayed by my side. When my father kicked me out. When my mother died. When I was bullied for being mute. When I started my music. You were there. You supported me and comforted my heart. You became my new home when I got nowhere to go and no one to have. The accident tested our love, but I am sorry I am still weak. My heart is weak. The doctor said that I won't last long. But I am glad I gave it to you and let you own me in every way possible. I don't know what to say more. But Baby, I love you so much and no one nor nothing could separate us. I am always in your heart.
P.S. Always remember our song. It is for you and only you.P.P.S. I love you so much.P.P.P.S I really really love you. I'm sorry.

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