#46: NamJin; Do You Like Me?

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NamJin One Shot


"Do you like me?" The words slid off of Namjoon's lips as he looked at the man across him. The dinner table has been really quiet between them and it somehow managed to make Namjoon feel like he's being strangled. Suffocating him in any way possible except literally.

Seokjin inhaled softly and nibbled his lower lip. He doesn't like the situation or even wanted it whichever way. He looked down, not wanting to see his eyes and they glinted in such a dull manner. "I'm sorry..." He said in which was almost a whisper.

"Hmm..." Namjoon said nodding his head slowly, up and down it goes so nonchalantly. But in fact and even in favor of the situation, he made it seem like it even though he's actually very anxious about what may come. "It's fine," He mumbled, wanting to ease the other's guilt that he knew was there. He knew it was there, just by the way Seokjin looks down and doesn't dare to look up.

"But I love you-- y-you know as a--"

"Hm, you don't have to mention..." Namjoon cut him. Almost too fast for Seokjin to not even recognize what he said at first. He inhaled deeply and got ready to leave the table even though the dinner hasn't even started. "Not returning my feelings is already painful, you don't have to try and comfort me because you won't help at this moment," He said as soft as he could and tried to not make it as hateful and burdensome as he was actually feeling at the moment. But maybe he failed for he saw Seokjin lifting his gazes up with the most surreal yet begrudging look. He's still beautiful though.

"You're beautiful" Namjoon just said out of wits. He softly smiled and bowed. "I will go now, Mr. Kim," He said with the softest smile that he could offer before leaving the place and not turning his head to look back because first, it would be too dramatic and second, he doesn't want to run back to him and beg for a chance.

But he did. He looked back and the looked at Seokjin's face. The face that he would never forget with the feeling that he would never regret at any circumstances. "I love you..."

And the door shut.

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